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Search Result: 1214
Research on Exposure to Total Dust and Endotoxin during Planting and Harvest Tasks at Cucumber, Yellow Melon and Potato Farms
오이, 참외, 감자 작목에서의 정식, 수확작업시 총분진과 엔도톡신 노출 특성에 관한 연구
Hyo Cher Kim, Kyung Suk Lee, Hye Seon Chae, Kyung Ran Kim, Kyung Doo Min, Yoon Suk Park
김효철, 이경숙, 채혜선, 민경두, 김경란, 박윤석
Keyword: total dust, endotoxin, exposure, cucumber, yellow melon, potato
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2013, 23(4) Page: 412-420
Abstract | (1018.8 KB) |
Real-time Monitoring of Ammonia and Hydrogen Sulfide According to Workplace at Swine Farms
양돈장 작업장소별 암모니아 및 황화수소의 실시간 모니터링
Jihoon Park, Taesun Kang, Jiwon Seok, Suhyun Jin, Yong Heo, Kyungran Kim, Kyungsuk Lee, Chungsik Yoon
박지훈, 강태선, 석지원, 진수현, 허 용, 김경란, 이경숙, 윤충식
Keyword: pig building, manure storage facility, composting facility, farm worker
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2013, 23(4) Page: 402-411
Abstract | (628.1 KB) |
Relationship between Endotoxin Level of in Swine Farm Dust and Cellular Immunity of Husbandry Workers
돈사 분진 함유 내독소 수준과 축사 작업자들의 세포면역력간 상관성 분석
Hyoung Ah Kim, Ji Youn Kim, Kyeong Min Shin, Ji Hoon Jo, Katharine Roque, Gwang Ho Jo, Yong Heo
김형아, 김지연, 신경민, 조지훈, Katharine Roque, 조광호, 허 용
Keyword: endotoxin, respiratory hypersensitivity, swine husbandry, total dust
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2013, 23(4) Page: 393-401
Abstract | (337.0 KB) |
Analysis on the Legal Control Levels and GHS Classification Information Status for Strongly Acidic Hazardous Materials
강산성 유해화학물질의 법적관리 수준 및 GHS 분류정보 제공 실태분석 연구
Kwon Seob Lee, Ji hoon Jo, Jin Woo Park, Se Wook Song
이권섭, 조지훈, 박진우, 송세욱
Keyword: chemical information, GHS(globally harmonized system), hazardous materials, health and environmental hazard, toxic chemicals
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2013, 23(4) Page: 384-392
Abstract | (292.8 KB) |
Reinforcement of Criminal Responsibility of Corporations in the Occurrence of an Accidental Death in the U.K.: Focusing on “Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007”
사망재해 발생 기업에 대한 형사책임 강화 - 영국의 ‘법인 과실치사법’을 중심으로 -
Jinwoo Jung
Keyword: Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007, Mens rea, relevant duty of care, senior management, unlimited fine
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2013, 23(4) Page: 374-383
Abstract | (316.8 KB) |
Record Keeping of Employee Exposure to Chemical Hazards under Industrial Safety and Health Law
근로자의 화학물질 노출관련 기록 보존에 관한 연구
Sangmin Oh, Donguk Park, SeoungJae Yu, Jin Woo Jung, KyungTaek Lim, Jaehwan Lee, Kwonchul Ha
오상민, 박동욱, 유성재, 정진우, 임경택, 이재환, 하권철
Keyword: chemical substance, exposure record, Industrial Safety & Health Act
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2013, 23(4) Page: 367-373
Abstract | (295.8 KB) |
Exposure Assessment of PM2.5 in Manufacturing Industry Office Buildings
사업장 내 사무실의 PM2.5 노출 평가
Mi Ran Nam, Jong-Hyon Jung, Young Gyu Phee
남미란, 정종현, 피영규
Keyword: concentration, office, PM2.5
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2013, 23(4) Page: 356-366
Abstract | (418.7 KB) |
여과지가 장착된 3단 카세트를 이용한 입자상물질 채취용 펌프의 유량성능 평가방법
Development of an Evaluation Method for Flow Rate Performance of Particulate Sampling Pump using Three-pieces Cassette Holder Containing Filters
Ho-June Song, Nam-Hee Kim, Ki-Youn Kim, Hye-Lan Ma, Gwang-Yong Yi, Jee-Yeon Jeong
송호준, 김남희, 김기연, 마혜란, 이광용, 정지연
Keyword: back pressure, filter, flow rate, ISO, pump
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2013, 23(4) Page: 348-355
Abstract | (1.2 MB) |
A Comparison of Collection Concentrations Based on Airborne Toluene Diisocyanates Measurement Methods
공기 중 Toluene diisocyanates 측정방법에 따른 포집농도 비교
Hyung-Sung Park, Jong-Uk Won, Chi-Nyon Kim, Jaehoon Roh
박형성, 원종욱, 김치년, 노재훈
Keyword: filter collection method, liquid collection method, 2,4-TDI, 2,6-TDI, sampling time
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2013, 23(4) Page: 341-347
Abstract | (265.3 KB) |
Analysis of Asbestos Fiber in Lungs by Transmission Electron Microscopy According to the Digestion Method
회화방법에 따른 폐 내 석면섬유의 투과전자현미경 분석
Jeong Hee Han, Young Hyun Chung, Jung Sun Yang
한정희, 정용현, 양정선
Keyword: asbestos, lung tissue, digestion, TEM, EDX
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2013, 23(4) Page: 333-340
Abstract | (1.2 MB) |