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Search Result: 1214
Development of a General Occupational Safety and Health Guide for Maintenance Work in the Photolithography Process in the Electronics Industry
전자산업 포토 공정 설비 정비 작업 안전보건 가이드
Eun Kyo Chung, Seyoung Kwon, Kyu Seung Lee, Taek-hyeon Han, Dong-Uk Park
정은교, 권세영, 이규승, 한택현, 박동욱
Keyword: Maintenance work, occupational safety and health guide, photolithography process
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2024, 34(4) Page: 383-392
Abstract | (502.4 KB) |
Systematic Analysis of Chemical Exposure and Asphyxiation Cases among Occupational Injuries (Ⅰ)
산업재해 중 ‘화학물질 누출⋅접촉’ 및 ‘산소 결핍’ 사례에 대한 체계적 분석 (Ⅰ)
Naroo Lee, Hye Jin Lee, Dohee Lee, Arom Shin
이나루, 이혜진, 이도희, 신아롬
Keyword: occupational injury statistics, burn, cement, chemical exposure
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2024, 34(4) Page: 373-382
Abstract | (486.8 KB) |
A Study on Chemical Substances Recognition Standards in Cosmetics Production Businesses with Fewer Than Fifty Employees
50인 미만 소규모 화장품 제조 사업장의 화학물질에 대한 인식수준에 관한 연구
Kil Sung Lee, Byung Jick Kim, Won Souk Eoh
이길성, 김병직, 어원석
Keyword: chemicals, health, safety, practice, training
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2024, 34(4) Page: 359-372
Abstract | (501.5 KB) |
Characteristics of Formaldehyde Exposure during Cooking Work among School Meal Service Workers
학교 급식 조리 종사자의 조리 환경 개선에 따른 포름알데히드 노출 특성
Kwonchul Ha, HyeSeung Lee
하권철, 이혜승
Keyword: Cooking oil fumes (COFs), formaldehyde, school meal service workers
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2024, 34(4) Page: 350-358
Abstract | (498.6 KB) |
The Impact of Wearing a KF Mask on Breathing Patteren in Healthy Individuals with Moderate Walking
정상인의 중등도 걷기 상황에서 보건용 마스크착용에 대한 호흡패턴의 변화
Hoyeong Jang, Hyekyung Seo
장호영, 서혜경
Keyword: breathing pattern, respiratory flow rate, spirometry, KF masks, ventilation
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2024, 34(4) Page: 341-349
Abstract | (1.2 MB) |
The Effect of Work Characteristics of Delivery Workers on Musculoskeletal Symptoms
배달종사자의 근무특성이 근골격계 증상에 미치는 영향
Eun-Byeol Kim, Chang-Woo Shon
김은별, 손창우
Keyword: delivery workers, musculoskeletal symptoms, working conditions, Korean Working Conditions Survey (KWCS)
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2024, 34(4) Page: 331-340
Abstract | (464.9 KB) |
Case Study on the Application of Risk Assessment Tools Suitable for Pesticide Use Tasks
농약 사용 작업에 적합한 위험성 평가 도구의 현장 적용 사례
Wongeon Jung, Kyungsu Kim, Minji Lee, Won Choi, Choungkeun Lee, Hyocher Kim
정원건, 김경수, 이민지, 최원, 이충근, 김효철
Keyword: risk assessment, pesticide, farmer, agricultural workplace, spraying
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2024, 34(4) Page: 321-330
Abstract | (2.4 MB) |
Case Study on Assessment of Work Environment Status for Workers Cleaning Contaminants in Exhaust Duct
배기덕트 청소 작업자의 작업환경 실태 평가 사례
Sechul Oh, Ki Youn Kim
오세철, 김기연
Keyword: Work environment, gaseous matters, noise, dust, personal protection equipment
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2024, 34(4) Page: 316-320
Abstract | (512.4 KB) |
Case Study on the Musculoskeletal Symptoms of Worker Engaged in Measuring Air Pollutants
대기오염물질 측정 근로자의 근골격계 증상 평가 사례
Jae Hyeong Kim, Ki Youn Kim
김재형, 김기연
Keyword: musculoskeletal systems, ergonomics, atmospheric measurement workers, air prevention facilities
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2024, 34(4) Page: 309-315
Abstract | (972.5 KB) |
Living Lab Project for First Aid and CPR Education of Foreign Workers on a Construction Site
건설현장 외국인 근로자 대상 응급처치 및 심폐소생술 교육을 위한 Living-lab 프로젝트
Hyunseok Cho, Eunna Oh, Feiyan Yi, Do Thi Thu Huyen, Liping Ren, Sukhee Ahn
조현석, 오은나, FeiyanYi, DoThiThuHuyen, LipingRen, 안숙희
Keyword: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, first aid, health promotion, health education, living lab
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2024, 34(4) Page: 299-308
Abstract | (504.7 KB) |