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Search Result: 1214
A Study on the Recommendation of the Candidate Substances and Methods for an Additional Designation of Special Management Materials in Occupational Safety and Health Act(OSHA)
산업안전보건법 특별관리물질의 추가 지정방법 및 후보물질 권고에 관한 연구
Kwon Seob Lee, Mun Ki Hong, Hye Jin Lee, Sang-Hoon Byeon, Jung Sun Park
이권섭, 홍문기, 이혜진, 변상훈, 박정선
Keyword: candidate substances, CMR(Carcinogens, Mutagens or Reproductive toxicants), GHS(Globally Harmonized System), hazard evaluation, special management materials
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(1) Page: 91-102
Abstract | (337.2 KB) |
A Study of the Risk Communication on Management Policy of Asbestos Related Stakeholders
석면 이해집단의 위해도 의사소통 방법론에 관한 연구
Ji-Hwa Son, Chae-kwan Lee, Sang-Hyo Sim
손지화, 이채관, 심상효
Keyword: asbestos risk, communication methodology, questionnaire survey, risk communication
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(1) Page: 79-90
Abstract | (383.2 KB) |
Characterization of Noise Exposure in the Tank Gun Drill Ranges
군대 전차포 훈련장에서의 소음노출 특성
Sung Ho Hwang, Jae Bum Park
황성호, 박재범
Keyword: cannonball size, distance, impulse noise, noise exposure
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(1) Page: 74-78
Abstract | (536.3 KB) |
Relationships between a Calculated Mass Concentration and a Measured Concentration of PM2.5 and Respirable Particle Matter Sampling Direct-Reading Instruments in Taconite Mines
타코나이트 광산 공정에서의 실시간 질량측정기기와 실시간 수농도의 환산에 의한 질량농도와의 연관성
Eun-Kyo Chung, Jae-Kil Jang, Se-Wook Song, Jeongho Kim
정은교, 장재길, 송세욱, 김정호
Keyword: direct-reading instruments, number and surface area concentration, PM2.5, respirable particles
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(1) Page: 65-73
Abstract | (443.4 KB) |
Fundamental Research for Establishing a Job-Exposure Matrix (JEM) for Farmers Related to Insecticides (Ⅰ): Rice Cultivation
농약물질 중 살충제 관련 농업 종사자들의 직무 -노출 매트릭스 구축을 위한 기초 자료 조사 연구 (Ⅰ) : 수도작
Ki-Youn Kim, Man-Su Cho, Sang-Gil Lee, Dong-Mug Kang, Jong-Eun Kim
김기연, 조만수, 이상길, 강동묵, 김종은
Keyword: insecticide, job exposure matrix, pesticide usage statistics, rice cultivation
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(1) Page: 59-64
Abstract | (574.3 KB) |
The Relationship between Exposure to Benzene and the Excretion of Urinary Trans, Trans-muconic Acid in Petrochemical Factory Turnaround Process Workers
석유화학공장 대정비 작업 근로자의 벤젠 노출과 요중 trans, trans-muconic acid 배설과의 관계
Seung Min Lee, Jong Uk Won, Chi Nyon Kim, Jaehoon Roh
이승민, 원종욱, 김치년, 노재훈
Keyword: benzene, biological exposure indices, trans, trans-muconic acid, turnaround process
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(1) Page: 52-58
Abstract | (317.4 KB) |
Effect of General Ventilation Rate on Concentrations of Gaseous Pollutants Emitted from Enclosed Pig Building
밀폐형 돈사 작업장의 전체 환기율이 가스상 오염물질 노출 농도 변화에 미치는 영향
Ki Youn Kim, Sung Chul Seo, Jeong-Hak Choi
김기연, 서성철, 최정학
Keyword: ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, odor concentration index, pig building, ventilation rate
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(1) Page: 46-51
Abstract | (546.2 KB) |
Effect of Mechanical Ventilation System on Improvement of Indoor Air Quality in A Newly Built Apartment and B Department Store
A신축아파트 및 B백화점에서 기계환기에 의한 실내공기질의 개선 효과
Jeong Ho Park, Sang Hyuk Lee, Hyoung Kab Kim
박정호, 이상혁, 김형갑
Keyword: department store, indoor air quality, newly built apartment, ventilation
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(1) Page: 38-45
Abstract | (559.0 KB) |
Creating a Workplace Handbook of Biologically Hazardous Agents
사업장의 생물학적 유해인자 편람 작성 연구
Kyung-Taek Rim
Keyword: biological factors, hazards, management, microbe, workers, workplace
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(1) Page: 14-37
Abstract | (2.3 MB) |
A Review on Recent Debate on Proposals of Amendment of the Article of Prohibition of Inhouse-Contract for Harmful Work in the Industrial Safety and Health Act
유해작업 사내도급 금지와 관련된 논란 및 개정방안에 관한 고찰
Doo Yong Park
Keyword: Article 28, main contractor, prime contractor, subcontract prohibition, prohibition of contract
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(1) Page: 1-13
Abstract | (356.1 KB) |