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Search Result: 1214
Exposure Characteristics for Chemical Substances and Work Environmental Management in the Semiconductor Assembly Process
반도체 조립공정의 화학물질 노출특성 및 작업환경관리
Seung-Hyun Park, Hae Dong Park, In Jae Shin
박승현, 박해동, 신인재
Keyword: Assembly, chemical substances, semiconductor, work environment
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(3) Page: 272-280
Abstract | (339.8 KB) |
Investigating the potential exposure risk to indium compounds of target manufacturing workers through an analysis of biological specimens
생물학적 노출평가를 통한 타겟 제조업 근로자의 공정별 인듐 노출위험성 조사
Yong Lim Won, Yoon jung Choi, Sungyeul Choi, Eun-A Kim
원용림, 최윤정, 최성렬, 김은아
Keyword: indium, indium tin oxide, indium zinc oxide, target
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(3) Page: 263-271
Abstract | (676.5 KB) |
Exposure Assessment for Volatile Organic Compounds Generated through Extruding Work with Nylon 66 Resin
Nylon 66 수지의 압출 작업시 발생하는 휘발성유기화합물에 대한 노출평가
Seung-Hyun Park
Keyword: decomposition products, extrusion, nylon 66, volatile organic compounds
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(3) Page: 256-262
Abstract | (515.0 KB) |
Review for CAREX(CARcinogen EXposure) Exposure Surveillance System: Limitation and Application to Korea
발암인자 노출감시를 위한 CAREX(CARcinogen EXposure, CAREX) 프로그램 고찰; 한계점과 활용 방안
Hyejung Jung, Seunghun Ryu, Jiyoung Jang, Seungwon Kim, Kwonchul Ha, Donghee Koh, Won Kim, Hyunjoo Bae, Chungsik Yoon, Kyonghui yi, Gwangyong Yi, hyunseok kwak, Jungah Shin, Donguk Park
정혜정, 류승훈, 장지영, 김승원, 하권철, 고동희, 김원, 배현주, 윤충식, 이경희, 이광용, 곽현석, 신정아, 박동욱
Keyword: CAREX, carcinogen, exposure prevalence
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(3) Page: 247-255
Abstract | (443.6 KB) |
Changes in Physico-chemical Properties of Single or Mixture State of DMF, MEK and Toluene in Synthetic Leather Factories
합성피혁제조업에서 취급하는 DMF, MEK, Toluene의 단일과 혼합물질 상태에 따른 물리ㆍ화학적 특성 변화
Ki-Woong Kim, Yong Lim Won, Dong Jin Park, Jung-Suk Lee, In-Soo Han, Su-Hee Lee
김기웅, 원용림, 박동진, 이정석, 한인수, 이수희
Keyword: binary mixture, dimethylformamide, methyl ethyl ketone, physico-chemical properties, toluene
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(2) Page: 238-245
Abstract | (401.0 KB) |
A Study on the Status of Management for Personal Protective Equipments & Fume Hoods in University Research Laboratories
일부 대학 내 연구실험실의 보호구 및 흄후드 관리 실태에 관한 연구
In-Kyu Park, Sa-Woo Lee, Jong-Hyeon Jung, Young Gyu Phee
박인규, 이사우, 정종현, 피영규
Keyword: fume hood, laboratory, PPEs, university
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(2) Page: 229-237
Abstract | (353.8 KB) |
Development and Validation of Exposure Models for Construction Industry: Tier 2 Model
건설업 유해화학물질 노출 모델의 개발 및 검증: Tier-2 노출 모델
Seung Won Kim, Jiyoung Jang, Gab Bae Kim
김승원, 장지영, 김갑배
Keyword: Bayesian statistics, construction, exposure model
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(2) Page: 219-228
Abstract | (702.6 KB) |
Development and Validation of Exposure Models for Construction Industry: Tier 1 Model
건설업 유해화학물질 노출 모델의 개발 및 검증: Tier-1 노출 모델
Seung Won Kim, Jiyoung Jang, Gab Bae Kim
김승원, 장지영, 김갑배
Keyword: construction, exposure model, structured subjective assessment
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(2) Page: 208-218
Abstract | (1.2 MB) |
Development of an Evaluation Method for the Flow Rate Performance of Gas Sampling Pumps Using Adsorbent Tubes
흡착튜브를 이용한 가스상물질 채취용 펌프의 유량성능 평가방법
Nam Hee Kim, Ho June Song, Ki Youn Kim, Hye Lan Ma, Gwang Yong Yi, Jee Yeon Jeong
김남희, 송호준, 김기연, 마혜란, 이광용, 정지연
Keyword: Adsorbents, back pressure, flow rate, pump, ISO
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(2) Page: 201-207
Abstract | (851.1 KB) |
Research on the Adsorption Capacity for Benzene, Toluene, Acetone and N-hexane of Activated Carbon Acquired fromthe Domestic Market
국내에서 유통되는 활성탄을 이용한 벤젠, 톨루엔, 아세톤 및 노말 헥산의 등온흡착용량 평가 연구
Naroo Lee, Gwangyong Yi, Dooyong Park
이나루, 이광용, 박두용
Keyword: Adsorption isotherm equation, breakthrough, charcoal tube, Wheeler equation
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(2) Page: 193-200
Abstract | (469.3 KB) |