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Search Result: 1214
Characteristics of Size-segregated Mass Concentrations of Indoor Aerosol Particles in University Buildings
대학건물 실내 에어로졸입자의 입경별 질량농도 특성
Jeong-Min Suh, Wang Bin, Seong-Ho Jang, Jeong-Ho Park, Kum-Chan Choi
서정민, 왕 빈, 장성호, 박정호, 최금찬
Keyword: cascade impactor, indoor aerosol particle, MMAD, university building
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(4) Page: 453-461
Abstract | (1.7 MB)
Exposure to Formaldehyde of Ambulatory Care Nurses in University Hospital
대학병원 내 외래간호사의 포름알데히드 노출 평가
Dongchul Gu, Chaekwan Lee, Jaewan Lee, Suyeon Lee, Soonyoung Yun, Areum Han, Hyunju Kim, Yeongbeom Park, Seongwook Jeong, Chanseok Moon
구동철, 이채관, 이재환, 이수연, 윤순영, 한아름, 김현주, 박영범, 정성욱, 문찬석
Keyword: ambulatory care departments, formaldehyde, formaldehyde protectors
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(4) Page: 446-452
Abstract | (279.3 KB)
Estimation of Personal Exposure to Air Pollutants for Workers Using Time Activity Pattern and Air Concentration of Microenvironments
시간활동 양상과 국소환경 농도를 이용한 근로자의 유해 공기오염물질 노출 예측
Hyunsoo Lee, Seokyong Lee, Byoungjun Lee, Jung Heo, Sunshin Kim, Wonho Yang
이현수, 이석용, 이병준, 허 정, 김순신, 양원호
Keyword: Office workers, time-activity pattern, microenvironment, TWA model
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(4) Page: 436-445
Abstract | (1.3 MB)
A study on the establishment of the criteria for selection of Hazardous substances requiring management in Occupational Safety and Health Act
산업안전보건법상 관리대상 유해물질 선정기준 마련에 관한 연구
Eun Woo Park, Jun Ho Park, Kwon Seob Lee, Mun Ki Hong, Byung Jun Ahn, Eun Jung Lee
박은우, 박준호, 이권섭, 홍문기, 안병준, 이은정
Keyword: Globally Harmonized System(GHS), Hazardous Substances Requiring Management(HSRM), Occupational Safety and Health Act(OSHA), risk ranking method
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(4) Page: 425-435
Abstract | (726.5 KB)
Identification of Predominant Bacteria and Fungi in the Industry Treating Soluble Metal Working Fluids
금속가공유 취급 업종에서 우점하는 세균 및 진균의 정성평가
Hae Dong Park, Dongjin Park, Hyunhee Park
박해동, 박동진, 박현희
Keyword: biological agent, bacteria, fungi, microbial identification, metal working fluids
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(4) Page: 416-424
Abstract | (508.2 KB)
Comprehensive Review of Endotoxin Level Reported in Metalworking Operations
금속 가공유 취급 공정에서 엔도톡신 발생 및 노출 특성 고찰
Dong-uk Park
Keyword: endotoxin, respiratory disease, water-soluble metalworking fluids
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(4) Page: 405-415
Abstract | (352.7 KB)
A Development of Preliminary Respirator Selection Guide(PRSG) for Workers Exposed to Chemicals
화학물질 노출 근로자를 위한 호흡보호구 선정 지침 개발
Don-Hee Han, Kye-Mook Yoo
한돈희, 유계묵
Keyword: assigned protection factor, respirator selection guide, respirator
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(3) Page: 393-403
Abstract | (415.3 KB)
Association Between Occupational Standing Time and Metabolic Syndrome in Korean Male Workers
근로자의 서서하는 작업시간과 대사증후군의 관련성
Kim, Ki-Woong
Keyword: Workers, Occupational standing time, Anthropometric parameters, Metabolic syndrome
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(3) Page: 383-392
Abstract | (364.9 KB)
Musculoskeletal Disorder Symptom Factors and Control Strategies in General Hospital Nurses
종합병원 간호사의 근골격계질환 증상요인 및 관리방안
Jung-Keun Park
Keyword: control strategies, factors, general hospital nurses, musculoskeletal disorder symptoms
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(3) Page: 371-382
Abstract | (377.5 KB)
Development of an Eco-friendly Plasticizer using Crude Glycol Derived from the Biodiesel Process
바이오디젤부산물인 폐글리세롤을 이용한 친환경 가소제의 개발
Soo-Jung Kang, Sung-Jae Bae, Dae-Eon Jin, Jinhwan Kim
강수정, 배성재, 진대언, 김진환
Keyword: Biodiesel, glycerol diacetomonolaurate(GDAL), eco-friendly, non-phthalate, plasticizer
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(3) Page: 365-370
Abstract | (925.2 KB)