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Search Result: 1214
Case Study of 1-bromopropane Exposure Assessment During Aircraft Disinfection and Seat Cover Replacement Work
항공기의 소독작업 및 좌석커버 교체작업에서 1-브로모프로판 노출평가 사례
Hae Dong Park, Jiwon Ro, Miyeon Jang, Sungho Kim, Se-Dong Kim, Hyounmin Cho
박해동, 노지원, 장미연, 김성호, 김세동, 조현민
Keyword: 1-bromopropane, aircraft, cleaning, disinfection, exposure
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2024, 34(1) Page: 8-13
Abstract | (609.5 KB)
Characteristics of Hazardous Factors Regarding Chemical(Liquid Lime) Storage Tank Dredging Workers
약품(액상소석회) 저장조 준설 작업자의 유해인자 특성 평가 사례
Je-Hun Kim, Ki-Youn Kim
김제훈, 김기연
Keyword: Chemical storage tank, dredging worker, noise, air quality, respirator
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2024, 34(1) Page: 1-7
Abstract | (656.7 KB)
Erratum to "Characterization of X-ray Emitted in the Ion Implantation Process of Semiconductor Operations"
정오 "반도체 제조 이온주입 공정의 이온 임플란타 장치에서 엑스레이 발생 특성"
Dong-Uk Park, Kyung Ehi Zoh, Soyeon Kim, Seunghee Lee, Eun Kyo Jeong
박동욱, 조경이, 김소연, 이승희, 정은교
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2024, 34(1) Page: E1
Abstract | (543.0 KB)
Review of Problems with Use of Halogenated Cleaning Solvents Revealed through Case Studies of Cleaning Solvent Poisoning and Analysis of Domestic and Overseas Regulations
세척제 용매 중독 사례와 국내⋅외 규제 검토를 통한 할로겐화 용매 세척제 사용의 문제점 고찰
Naroo Lee, Hye Jin Lee, Sujin Jeong, Dohee Lee, Arom Shin
이나루, 이혜진, 정수진, 이도희, 신아롬
Keyword: halogenated solvent, cleaning, vapor degreasing, dichloromethane
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2023, 33(4) Page: 517-527
Abstract | (510.2 KB)
Survey on Occupational Exposure and Health Status of Foreign Workers in Korea
한국 내 외국인 근로자들의 직업적 노출과 건강 상태에 대한 조사
Vu Minh Thy, Seung Won Kim
부밍티, 김승원
Keyword: chemical exposure, health problem, lifestyle, occupational characteristics, questionnaire
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2023, 33(4) Page: 502-516
Abstract | (546.0 KB)
Comparative Legal Study of Workplace Thermal Environment Management Legislation
작업장 온열환경 관리 법제의 비교법적 고찰
Saemi Shin, Hea Min Lee, Nosung Ki, Sang-Hoon Byeon, Sungho Kim
신새미, 이혜민, 기노성, 변상훈, 김성호
Keyword: workplace thermal environment, comparative law, continental law, common law
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2023, 33(4) Page: 485-501
Abstract | (880.8 KB)
The Impact of Occupational Safety and Health Information on Precarious Workers’ Self-rated Health
안전보건정보 제공이 일용근로자의 주관적 건강인식에 미치는 영향
Hyunseung Roh
Keyword: occupational safety and health information, precarious worker, self-rated health
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2023, 33(4) Page: 471-484
Abstract | (623.8 KB)
Evaluation of Occupational Exposure to Noise and Heat stress in Coal-fired Power Plants
석탄화력발전소 작업자의 소음과 온열 스트레스에 대한 노출 평가
Jiwoon Kwon, Kwang-Myong Jang, Sungho Kim, Se-Dong Kim, Miyeon Jang, Jiwon Ro, Seunghyun Park
권지운, 장광명, 김성호, 김세동, 장미연, 노지원, 박승현
Keyword: coal-fired power plants, noise, heat stress, occupational exposure
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2023, 33(4) Page: 464-470
Abstract | (554.7 KB)
Sampling and Analytical Method for Linear Carbonates using GC/FID
GC/FID를 이용한 사슬형 카보네이트 3종의 측정⋅분석방법
Miyeon Jang, Gwangyong Yi
장미연, 이광용
Keyword: linear carbonates, DMC, DEC, EMC, air sampling method
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2023, 33(4) Page: 455-463
Abstract | (571.6 KB)
The Impact of Changes in Working Conditions at a Car Parts Manufacturing Plant on Job-related Stress and Musculoskeletal Disorders–2004 to 2022
일개 자동차 부품 사업장의 노동조건 변화가 직무 스트레스 및 근골격계질환에 미친 영향
- 2004년부터 2022년까지 -
Byoung Hoon Kim, Ji Young Park, Kwonchul Ha
김병훈, 박지영, 하권철
Keyword: working conditions, work intensity, musculoskeletal disorder, job stress
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2023, 33(4) Page: 447-454
Abstract | (842.4 KB)