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Search Result: 1214
Under and Over Employment and Working Conditions
과소/과잉노동과 근로환경
Kyung Yong Rhee, Se Wook Song, Young Sun Kim
이경용, 송세욱, 김영선
Keyword: Korean Working Conditions Survey, symptoms experience, the exposed work hours, under and over employment
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(4) Page: 536-546
Abstract | (292.1 KB)
Comparison of Fit Factor for Healthcare Workers Before and After Training with the N95 Mask
의료용 N95 마스크 착용방법에 대한 교육 전·후 밀착계수 비교
Hyunwook Kim, Jung Eun Baek, ye Kyung Seo, Jong-Eun Lee, Jun-Pyo Myong, Seung-Joo Lee, Jin-Ho Lee
김현욱, 백정은, 서혜경, 이종은, 명준표, 이승주, 이진호
Keyword: healthcare workers, N95 mask, fit test, training
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(4) Page: 528-535
Abstract | (620.2 KB)
Evaluation for Effectiveness of Radon Mitigation on Dwellings and Public Buildings in Korea
건축물 유형에 따른 라돈 저감 효과 평가
DongHyun Lee, Seung-Hun Ryu, JungHeum Jo, SungChul Seo
Keyword: radon, mitigation, Rn, Active Soil Depressurization, lung cancer
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(4) Page: 518-527
Abstract | (1.1 MB)
Exposure Assessment of Welders to Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields
일부 용접공의 극저주파 자계노출평가
Yeon Jun Jeong, Seung Cheol Hong
정연준, 홍승철
Keyword: daily activity, extremely low frequency, magnetic fields, welder
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(4) Page: 509-517
Abstract | (472.7 KB)
A Study for Qualitative Performance of Asbestos Inspection/Analysis Labs in Korea
국내석면조사기관의 질적 수준 평가를 위한 현황조사
Sungwon Choi, Jiwoon Kwon, Jung Eun Baek, Kwang Myong Jang, Dae Jong Kim, Hyunwook Kim
최성원, 권지운, 백정은, 장광명, 김대종, 김현욱
Keyword: asbestos, asbestos inspection/analysis lab, accreditation, quality control
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(4) Page: 501-508
Abstract | (2.1 MB)
Comparison of the Efficiency between a Remodeled Bubble Generating Pumps for an Aquarium Fish and the Existed Commercial Air Sampler for the Sampling of Ambient Air Asbestos
공기 중 석면농도 분석시 관상어용 기포발생기를 개조한 장치와 기존의 상업용 시료 채취기와의 성능 비교
Bong-Ki Jang, Hyun-Wook Tak, Su-Jin Song, Bong-Hyun Jo, Yeong-Ji Kim, Bu-Soon Son, Jong-Wha Lee
장봉기, 탁현욱, 송수진, 조봉현, 김영지, 손부순, 이종화
Keyword: air sampling pump, efficiency, remodeled bubble generating pump, ambient asbestos, slate roofing
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(4) Page: 491-500
Abstract | (741.0 KB)
Developing Image Processing Program for Automated Counting of Airborne Fibers
이미지 처리를 통한 공기 중 섬유의 자동계수 알고리즘 프로그램 개발
Sungwon Choi, Heekong Lee, Jong il Lee, Hyunwook Kim
최성원, 이희공, 이종일, 김현욱
Keyword: Asbestos, automated counting, image processing
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(4) Page: 484-491
Abstract | (1.6 MB)
On-site Investigation of Hazardous Substances in Floor Dust of Several Primary Schools
일부 초등학교 바닥 먼지내 포함하고 있는 유해물질 성분에 대한 현장 평가
Ki Youn Kim, Hyeon Tae Kim, Kwon Seob Lee
김기연, 김현태, 이권섭
Keyword: Floor dust, hazardous substance, primary school, heavy metal, microbe
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(4) Page: 478-483
Abstract | (288.1 KB)
Exposure to Dust and Organic Gas during Chicken Entrance and Shipment Tasks in Poultry Farms
양계장에서 입식 및 출하작업시 분진과 가스상 물질의 노출 측정 조사
Kyung-Ran Kim, Hyocher Kim, Kyungsuk Lee, Hye-Seon Chae
김경란, 김효철, 이경숙, 채혜선
Keyword: total dust, organic gas, entrance, shipment, poultry
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(4) Page: 471-477
Abstract | (1.1 MB)
Particle Size-Related Dust and Quartz Concentration of Stone Grinding Operations
석재가공 공정에서 발생되는 분진과 석영의 입자크기별 농도 특성
Seong-hwan Kim, Hye Jeong Bae, Jong-Hyon Jung, Young Gyu Phee
김성환, 배혜정, 정종현, 피영규
Keyword: particle distribution, quartz, stone grinding operation
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2014, 24(4) Page: 462-470
Abstract | (338.9 KB)