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Search Result: 1214
Hazard and Risk Assessment and Cost and Benefit Analysis for Revising Permissible Exposure Limits in the Occupational Safety and Health Act of Korea
산업안전보건법 허용기준 대상물질의 허용기준 개정을 위한 유해성ㆍ위험성 평가 및 사회적 비용ㆍ편익 분석
Ki Youn Kim, Sung Eop Oh, Mun Ki Hong, Kwon Seob Lee
김기연, 오성업, 홍문기, 이권섭
Keyword: assessment, chemical substances, cost-benefit analysis, hazard, permissible exposure limit, risk
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(2) Page: 134-145
Abstract | (666.1 KB)
Exposure to Styrene in the Lamination Processes with Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastics: Health Diagnosis Case Report
유리섬유강화 플라스틱을 이용한 적층공정 근로자들의 스티렌 노출 평가: 보건진단 사례
Sangjun Choi, Yeonhee Jeong
최상준, 정연희
Keyword: FRP, mandelic acid, styrene
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(2) Page: 126-133
Abstract | (849.1 KB)
How to Improve the Reliability of MSDS and Labels?(2): A Review on the EU CLP(REGULATION(EC) No 1272/2008)
물질안전보건자료 및 표시제도의 개선 방향 제안(2) - 유럽연합의 CLP 제도 고찰에 근거하여
Shinbum Kim, Yun Keun Lee, Youngeun Choi
김신범, 이윤근, 최영은
Keyword: C&L inventory, EU CLP, GHS, MSDS, trade secret
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(2) Page: 115-125
Abstract | (643.5 KB)
Concentration of volatile organic compounds(VOCs) in ambient air and level of residents in industrial area
산단지역 공기 중 휘발성유기화합물농도와 지역주민의 노출 수준
Kyungsook Woo, Heejin Park, Tackshin Kang, Geunbae Kim, Junmin Jeon, Bongki Jang, Jongwha Lee, Busoon Son
우경숙, 박희진, 강택신, 김근배, 전준민, 장봉기, 이종화, 손부순
Keyword: VOCs in air, industrial area, VOC metabolite
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(1) Page: 104-114
Abstract | (353.6 KB)
Understanding and Application of Stoffenmanager Nano Tool into Synthesis and Packing Process of Nanomaterials
Stoffenmanager nano 컨트롤 밴딩 도구 이해와 나노물질 합성 및 포장 공정 적용 연구
Naroo Lee, Jungho Ahn
이나루, 안정호
Keyword: control banding, nanomaterials, stoffenmanager nano
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(1) Page: 95-103
Abstract | (336.4 KB)
Worker Exposure Assessment on Airborne Total Chromium and Hexavalent Chromium by Process in Electroplating Factories
도금업체 공정별 근로자의 총크롬 및 6가 크롬 노출 평가
Gwang Yong Yi, Boowook Kim, Yong Chul Shin
이광용, 김부욱, 신용철
Keyword: electroplating, exposure, hexavalent chromium, risk assessment
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(1) Page: 89-94
Abstract | (562.6 KB)
A Study of Penetration Depth into Ceiling Materials containing Asbestos according to Dilution Rate of Scattering Prevention Agent
석면 함유 천장재의 안정화제 희석에 따른 침투깊이 연구
Hyungyoo Shin, Youngkue Choi, Boram Jeon, Jooyeon Ha
신현규, 최용규, 전보람, 하주연
Keyword: asbestos, dilution, penetration depth, scattering prevention agent, viscosity
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(1) Page: 82-88
Abstract | (1.2 MB)
Asbestos Exposure and Risk Assessment by ABS(Activity Based Sampling) for Former Asbestos Mining Areas in Korea
우리나라 일부 석면광산 지역에서 ABS를 이용한 석면노출 및 위해성 평가
Junhyeok Lee, Daejong Kim, Sungwon Choi, Hyunwook Kim
이준혁, 김대종, 최성원, 김현욱
Keyword: asbestos concentration, activity based sampling, excess lifetime cancer risk.
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(1) Page: 72-81
Abstract | (493.7 KB)
Study on the Chemical Management – 2. Comparison of Classification and Health Index of Chemicals Regulated by the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of the Employment and Labor
화학물질 관리 연구-2. 환경부와 고용노동부의 관리 화학물질의 구분, 노출기준 및 독성 지표 등의 특성 비교
Sunju Kim, Chungsik Yoon, Seunghon Ham, Jihoon Park, Songha Kim, Yuna Kim, Jieun Lee, Sangah Lee, Donguk Park, Kwonseob Lee, Kwonchul Ha
김선주, 윤충식, 함승헌, 박지훈, 김송하, 김유나, 이지은, 이상아, 박동욱, 이권섭, 하권철
Keyword: Chemical substances management, Occupational Safety and Health Act, Chemical Substances Control Act, TWA, acute toxicity, CMR, toxicity
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(1) Page: 58-71
Abstract | (2.3 MB)
Study on the Chemical Management – 1. Chemical Characteristics and Occupational Exposure Limits under Occupational Safety and Health Act of Korea
화학물질 관리 연구-1. 산업안전보건법상 관리 화학물질의 특성과 노출기준 비교
Jihoon Park, Seunghon Ham, Sunju Kim, Kwonseob Lee, Kwonchul Ha, Donguk Park, Chungsik Yoon
박지훈, 함승헌, 김선주, 이권섭, 하권철, 박동욱, 윤충식
Keyword: Chemicals, physicochemical characteristics, toxicity, health, exposure limit
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(1) Page: 45-57
Abstract | (1.5 MB)