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Search Result: 1214
Seroprevalence of Hepatitis A and B Virus Antibody of Employees among Three Companies with Different Health Policy
사업장 보건관리에 따른 A형, B형 간염 항체 양성률
Hyun Min Koh, Jun Seok Son
고현민, 손준석
Keyword: hepatitis A antibodies, hepatitis B antibodies, seroprevalence
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(2) Page: 229-235
Abstract | (282.7 KB) |
A Study on Pain Characteristics in Parts of the Hand among Estheticians
피부미용사의 손 부위 통증에 관한 연구
Jeong Hwa Kim, Young Gyu Phee, Sa-Woo Lee
김정화, 피영규, 이사우
Keyword: hand, pain, symptom
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(2) Page: 220-228
Abstract | (387.4 KB) |
The Relationship between Experience of Workplace Violence and Musculoskeletal Pain among Wage Workers in South Korea
한국 임금 근로자의 직장 내 폭력 경험과 근골격계 증상과의 연관성에 관한 연구
Jaehong Yoon, Hyoju Sung, Yugyun Kim, Seung-Sup Kim
윤재홍, 성효주, 김유균, 김승섭
Keyword: bullying, musculoskeletal symptoms, physical violence, sexual harassment
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(2) Page: 211-219
Abstract | (382.2 KB) |
Clean Room Structure, Air Conditioning and Contamination Control Systems in the Semiconductor Fabrication Process
반도체 웨이퍼 제조공정 클린룸 구조, 공기조화 및 오염제어시스템
Kwang-Min Choi, Ji-Eun Lee, Kwi-Young Cho, Kwan-Sick Kim, Soo-Hun Cho
최광민, 이지은, 조귀영, 김관식, 조수헌
Keyword: air conditioning, clean room structure, contamination control system, semiconductor work environment
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(2) Page: 202-210
Abstract | (705.0 KB) |
Exposure Assessment of Dust and Airborne Microorganisms among Workers in a Clothing Shopping Center
의류쇼핑센터 근로자의 분진 및 부유미생물에 대한 노출평가
Sung Eop Oh, Ki Youn Kim
오성업, 김기연
Keyword: airborne microorganisms, clothing shopping center, respirable dust, total dust
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(2) Page: 194-201
Abstract | (360.5 KB) |
Characteristics of Generated Fibrous/Particulate Matters from Asbestos-Containing Building Materials(ACBMs)
해체ㆍ제거 작업 시 석면함유 건축자재에서 발생되는 섬유 및 입자상 물질의 특성
Sungwon Choi, Kwang Myoung Jang, Kyung Hoon Park, Dae Jong Kim, Hyunwook Kim
최성원, 장광명, 박경훈, 김대종, 김현욱
Keyword: ACBM(asbestos containing building material), asbestos, fiber, PM2.5
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(2) Page: 184-193
Abstract | (1.3 MB) |
Estimation of Factors Influencing Airborne Fiber Concentrations through an Observation Survey of Asbestos-containing Materials in Buildings
석면함유 건축물의 관찰조사를 통한 실내공기 중 섬유 농도 변화 요인 추정
Seungchul Lee, Boowook Kim, Gwang Yong Yi, Yong Chul Shin
이승철, 김부욱, 이광용, 신용철
Keyword: asbestos, current condition, potential activity, construction year, O&M
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(2) Page: 174-183
Abstract | (819.6 KB) |
Exposure Assessment of Airborne Cobalt in Manufacturing Industries
코발트 취급사업장의 공기 중 코발트 노출평가
Jae Hong Kim, Jong-Hyon Jung, Young Gyu Phee
김재홍, 정종현, 피영규
Keyword: cobalt, concentration, exposure
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(2) Page: 166-173
Abstract | (338.3 KB) |
Occupational Exposure Aspects of Gasoline Vapor According to the Use of a Gasoline Vapor Recovery System
주유소 유증기 회수설비 사용에 따른 가솔린 증기의 개인노출양상
Heemyung Lee, Jong-Uk Won, Chi-Nyon Kim, Jaehoon Roh
이희명, 원종욱, 김치년, 노재훈
Keyword: gasoline, vapor recovery system(Stage Ⅱ), gas station worker, BTEX(benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylene), MTBE(methyl tert-butyl ether)
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(2) Page: 156-165
Abstract | (483.3 KB) |
Benzene Exposure Matrices Using Employees's Exposure Assessment Data
작업환경측정 결과를 활용한 벤젠 노출 매트릭스에 대한 연구
Kyunghee Ba다, Donguk Park, Kwonchul Ha
백경희, 박동욱, 하권철
Keyword: benzene, exposure matrix, hallmark risk assessment
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(2) Page: 146-155
Abstract | (654.0 KB) |