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Search Result: 1214
Urinary Cadmium Concentration of Residents around Industrial Complex in Gwangyang and Yeosu
국가산단지역(광양, 여수) 일부 주민들의 소변 중 카드뮴 농도에 관한 연구
Heejin Park, Tack-Shin Kang, Jong-Dae Lee, Geun-Bae Kim, Seungdo Yu, Bong-Ki Jang, Jong-Wha Lee, Bu-Soon Son
박희진, 강택신, 이종대, 김근배, 유승도, 장봉기, 이종화, 손부순
Keyword: Cadmium, industrial complex, heavy metal, urine
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(3) Page: 338-345
Abstract | (384.8 KB)
A Study on the Distribution of VOC Concentrations by Attachment Position of Air Samplers for Working Environment Measurement
작업환경측정 시료 채취기의 부착 위치에 따른 유기화합물의 농도 분포에 관한 연구
Yung-Gyu Kwon, Jung Il Won, Hyung Seok Jang, Sang-hyo Sim
권영규, 원정일, 장형석, 심상효
Keyword: Attachment position, method of measuring working environment, mixed organic compounds, personal air sampler
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(3) Page: 328-337
Abstract | (1.7 MB)
The oral dose toxicity test and skin irritation test of eco-friendly plasticizer using crude glycerol derived
폐글리세롤을 이용한 친환경 가소제의 경구투여독성 및 피부자극성 시험
Soo-Jung Kang, Heeyoung Kim, Sangwon Park, Eunyoung Sim, Jinhwan Kim
강수정, 김희영, 박상원, 심은영, 김진환
Keyword: polyvinylchloride(PVC), eco-friendly, plasticizer, oral dose toxicity test, skin irritation test
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(3) Page: 322-327
Abstract | (568.5 KB)
Analytical Characteristics of GC/MS and HPLC according to the Concentration Distribution of PAHs
PAHs 농도 분포에 따른 GC/MS와 HPLC의 분석특성에 관한 연구
Jwa-Ryung Hong, Kwang-Min Choi
홍좌령, 최광민
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(3) Page: 312-321
Abstract | (770.7 KB)
Exposure status of welding fumes for operators of overhead traveling crane in a shipyard
대형조선소 천장크레인 운전원의 용접흄 노출 실태
Kyeongmin Lee, Boowook Kim, Hyunseok Kwak, Hyunchul Ha
이경민, 김부욱, 곽현석, 하현철
Keyword: computational fluid dynamics, crane operator, shipyard, welding fumes
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(3) Page: 301-311
Abstract | (7.1 MB)
Physicochemical Characterization of Powder Byproducts Generated from a Metallization Process and Its 1st Scrubber in the Semiconductor Industry
반도체 메탈공정 및 1차 스크러버에서 생성되는 파우더 부산물의 물리화학적 특성분석
Kwang-Min Choi, Myung-Koo Jung, Hee-Chul An
최광민, 정명구, 안희철
Keyword: metallization process, physicochemical properties, powder by-product, semiconductor, tungsten oxide
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(3) Page: 294-300
Abstract | (2.0 MB)
A Study on Important Factors for Chemical Risk Management in Small & Medium Enterprises
중소사업장 화학물질 관리에 영향을 미치는 사업주의 인식과 태도 요인 분석
Shinbum Kim, Youngeun Choi, Taejin Chung, Junghwa Lee, Simon Che, Sungjoo Kang, Jaeyoung Choi, Jongkyung Choi, Sungmin Kim, Jongho Lim, Kyungdoo Min, Kanwoo Youn, Hyun-Ock Kim
김신범, 최영은, 정태진, 이정화, 최시몬, 강성주, 최재영, 최종경, 김성민, 임종호, 민경두, 윤간우, 김현옥
Keyword: chemical hazards, government’s messages, SMEs
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(3) Page: 285-293
Abstract | (299.7 KB)
Selection of Target Materials for GLP Genotoxic Tests by Searching the Mutagenicity Information of Chemicals by Occupational Safety and Health Act
산안법 관리대상물질의 변이원성 검색을 통한 GLP 유전독성 시험대상 후보물질의 선정
Kyung-Taek Rim, Cheol-Hong Lim, Byung-Joon Ahn
임경택, 임철홍, 안병준
Keyword: Candidate materials, genotoxic, GLP, mutagenicity, Occupational Safety and Health Act
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(3) Page: 254-284
Abstract | (466.4 KB)
Usage of Filtering-facepiece Masks for Healthcare Workers and Importance of Fit Testing
보건의료종사자의 안면부여과식 마스크의 사용과 밀착도검사의 중요성
Don-Hee Han
Keyword: Filtering facepiece mask, Healthcare worker, KF94, KF99, N95
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(3) Page: 245-253
Abstract | (406.8 KB)
Association between Long Working Hours and Depressive Symptoms among Interns and Residents in South Korea-2014 Korea Interns & Residents Survey
전공의들의 장시간 근무와 우울증상의 연관성에 관한 연구
Ji-Hwan Kim, Jaehong Yoon, Seung-Sup Kim
김지환, 윤재홍, 김승섭
Keyword: working hours, depressive symptoms, interns, residents
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(2) Page: 236-243
Abstract | (309.0 KB)