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Search Result: 1214
Job-specific Questionnaire for Estimating Exposure to Hazardous Agents among Semiconductor Workers
반도체 공정 근로자 직무 노출을 추정하기 위한 설문 (Job-specific Questionnaire) 개발
Donguk Park, Sangjun Choi, Jeongin Heo, Hyunseog Roh, Jihoon Park, Kwonchul Ha, Chungsik Yoon, Won Kim, Seungwon Kim, Hyoungryoul Kim, Hojang Kwon
박동욱, 최상준, 허정진, 노현석, 박지훈, 하권철, 윤충식, 김 원, 김승원, 김형렬, 권호장
Keyword: Job-specific questionnaire(JSQ), wafer fabrication operation, chip packaging and assembly operation, retrospective exposure
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(1) Page: 58-63
Abstract | (297.0 KB) |
Evaluation of Accuracy and Precision of Analysis of Metals with Polyvinyl Chloride Membrane Filters
PVC 여과지를 이용한 금속 분석방법에 대한 정확도와 정밀도 평가
Seong-Uk Byun, Sangjun Choi
변성욱, 최상준
Keyword: accuracy, metal, precision, PVC membrane filter, recovery rate
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(1) Page: 48-57
Abstract | (472.2 KB) |
A Study on Exposure Indices for Diesel Engine Exhaust in Forklift Operating Areas
지게차 사용 사업장에서 디젤엔진배출물질 노출지표에 관한 연구
Sangil Kim, Ji Young Park, Kyeongmin Lee, Seung Won Kim
김상일, 박지영, 이경민, 김승원
Keyword: diesel engine exhaust, exposure assessment, forklift operator
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(1) Page: 38-47
Abstract | (537.6 KB) |
Characteristics of Size Distribution and Fugitive Emissions of Particulate Matter in Foundries
주물사업장의 입자상물질 입경분포 및 비산배출 특성
Jeong-Ho Park, Min-Jae Jang, Hyoung-Kab Kim
박정호, 장민재, 김형갑
Keyword: cascade impactor, foundry, fugitive dust, particulate matter, size distribution
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(1) Page: 30-37
Abstract | (855.3 KB) |
Study on Development of Analytical Method for Polar Solvents by GC
GC를 이용한 극성용매의 분석방법 개발 연구
Oh Doe Seok, Kim Sung Hwa, Lee Seul, Hwang Kyung Chul
오도석, 김성화, 이 슬, 황경철
Keyword: dimethysulfoxide(DMSO), polar solvent, silica gel
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(1) Page: 20-29
Abstract | (495.1 KB) |
Assessment of Volatile Organic Compounds in Blood and Urine among Residents around Camp Carroll
캠프 캐럴 인근 주민의 혈중 및 요중 휘발성 유기화합물 평가
Hyun-Sul Lim, Wonho Yang, Geun-Bae Kim, Young-Sung Cho, Young-Sun Min, Kwan Lee, Duk Hee Lee, Young-Su Ju, Sunshin Kim, Jung Heo, Dayoung Jung
임현술, 양원호, 김근배, 조용성, 민영선, 이 관, 이덕희, 주영수, 김순신, 허 정, 정다영
Keyword: biomonitoring, exposure, groundwater, perchloroethylene, trichloroethylene
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(1) Page: 11-19
Abstract | (398.6 KB) |
Review of Hazardous Agent Level in Wafer Fabrication Operation Focusing on Exposure to Chemicals and Radiation
반도체 산업의 웨이퍼 가공 공정 유해인자 고찰과 활용 - 화학물질과 방사선 노출을 중심으로
Donguk Park
Keyword: ELF, retrospective exposure, wafer fabrication operation
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(1) Page: 1-10
Abstract | (331.3 KB) |
Exposure Assessment of Airborne Quartz from Earthwork Sites
토공사 현장에서 발생하는 공기 중 석영의 노출 평가
Eun Chang Sung, Hye Jeong Bae, Jong-Hyoen Jung, Young Gyu Phee
성은창, 배혜정, 정종현, 피영규
Keyword: concentration, earthwork, quartz
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(4) Page: 584-590
Abstract | (318.3 KB) |
For 5-years the Longitudinal Study on the Effect of Noise Exposure and Aging to the Changes of Hearing Threshold Level
청력에 대한 연령과 소음 노출의 영향에 관한 5년간 청력역치 변화
Chang Ho Chae, Ja Hyun Kim, Jun Seok Son
채창호, 김자현, 손준석
Keyword: aging effect, hearing threshold level, noise exposure
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(4) Page: 573-583
Abstract | (397.2 KB) |
The Change of Sleep Quality after Transition to Consecutive Day Shift from Day and Night Shift: A Motor Assembly Factory Case
주야2교대제에서 주간연속2교대제로의 전환 후 수면의 질 변화 : 일개 완성차 제조사의 사례
Hansoo Song
Keyword: shift work, insomnia, PSQI
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2015, 25(4) Page: 566-572
Abstract | (338.3 KB) |