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Search Result: 1214
Heavy Metals Contents and Chemical Characteristics in Compost from Animal Manures
가축분 퇴비의 중금속 함량 및 화학적 형태별 특성
Han Jong Ko, Ki Youn Kim
고한종, 김기연
Keyword: animal manure, compost, copper, heavy metal, metal speciation, zinc
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(2) Page: 170-177
Abstract | (1.1 MB)
Generating Characteristics of VOCs in a Commercial Laundry Shop and the Effects on the Health of Workers
소규모 세탁소의 휘발성유기화합물 발생 특성과 종사자의 건강에 미치는 영향
Ok-Hyun Park, Kyoung-Seok Lee, Kyoung-Woo Min, Gwang-woon Cho, Kwan-Ju Yoon, Won-Sam Jeong, Young-Gwan Cho, Eun-Sun Kim, Jin-Seok Yang
박옥현, 이경석, 민경우, 조광운, 윤관주, 정원삼, 조영관, 김은선, 양진석
Keyword: dry-cleaning, indoor air quality, laundry, personal exposure, VOCs
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(2) Page: 159-169
Abstract | (766.2 KB)
Welding Fume and Metals Exposure Assessment among Construction Welders
건설현장 용접직종별 용접흄 및 금속류 노출 실태
Hyunhee Park, Hae Dong Park, Jae-kil Jang
박현희, 박해동, 장재길
Keyword: construction welding, ironworker, pipefitter, welding fume, welding metals
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(2) Page: 147-158
Abstract | (355.0 KB)
A Study of Asbestos Stabilizer Treatment Considering the Actual Environment of Ceiling Materials
실제 환경을 고려한 천장텍스의 석면안정화제 처리 연구
Hyungyoo Shin, Youngkue Choi, Boram Jeon, Jooyeon Ha, Yleshik Sun, Whame Park
신현규, 최용규, 전보람, 하주연, 선일식, 박화미
Keyword: actual environment, asbestos, asbestos stabilizer, ceiling materials
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(2) Page: 139-146
Abstract | (3.2 MB)
Size, Shape, and Crystal Structure-dependent Toxicity of Major Metal Oxide Particles Generated as Byproducts in Semiconductor Fabrication Facility
반도체 가공 작업환경에서 부산물로 발생되는 주요 금속산화물의 입자 크기, 형상, 결정구조에 따른 독성 고찰
Kwang-Min Choi
Keyword: aluminum oxide, process byproduct, semiconductor facility, silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide, tungsten trioxide
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(2) Page: 119-138
Abstract | (502.7 KB)
Review of Guidelines for Radon and Estimation of Radiation dose
라돈의 가이드라인 고찰 및 선량 예측
Eun Kyo Chung, Kab Bae Kim, Jae Kil Jang, Se Wook Song
정은교, 김갑배, 장재길, 송세욱
Keyword: effective dose, IAQ, NORM, radon, reference level
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(2) Page: 109-118
Abstract | (528.9 KB)
Factors Associated with Depression among Wage Earners by Subjective Health and Stress Perception
임금근로자의 우울관련요인: 주관적 건강과 스트레스 인지를 중심으로
Duck-Jin Kim, Jeong-Seop Lee
김덕진, 이정섭
Keyword: depression, KNHANES, stress perception, subjective health, workers
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(1) Page: 99-108
Abstract | (409.1 KB)
The Effect of Occupational Safety and Health Education on Occupational Accidents
산업안전보건교육이 산업재해발생에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
Konghwa Jang, Kwonchul Ha
장공화, 하권철
Keyword: occupational education, occupational accident rate, Poisson regression
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(1) Page: 90-98
Abstract | (349.8 KB)
Job Stress and Satisfaction by General Characteristics of Engineers Industrial Hygiene Management
산업위생기사의 일반적 특성에 따른 직무스트레스와 직무만족도
Ju Young Ryu, Yosoon Bang, Boyoung Son
류주영, 방요순, 손보영
Keyword: job stress, job satisfaction, engineers industrial hygiene management
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(1) Page: 75-89
Abstract | (388.5 KB)
Association of Exposure to Chemicals with Dyspnea among Employed Workers: Analysis of the 3rd Korean Working Conditions Survey
근로자의 화학적 노출과 주관적 호흡곤란 증상간의 연관성: 3차 근로환경조사 자료 분석
Moon-Young Park, Sung-Ho Hwang, Kimyong Hong, Se-Eun Oh, Kyoung-Mu Lee
박문영, 황성호, 홍기명, 오세은, 이경무
Keyword: chemical exposure, dyspnea, Korea Working Conditions Survey, healthy worker survivor effect
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(1) Page: 64-74
Abstract | (403.5 KB)