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Search Result: 1214
Filtration efficiency and Manikin-based Total Inward Leakage Study of Particle Filtering Mask Challenged with Silver Nanoparticles
은나노입자에 대한 방진마스크 포집효율 및 총누설율
Jong-Kyu Kim
Keyword: artificial breathing machine, filtration efficiency, silver-nanoparticles, total inward leakage
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(3) Page: 367-376
Abstract | (1.0 MB) |
Developing Yellow Dust and Fine Particulate Masks for Children
어린이용 황사 및 미세먼지 마스크 개발 연구
Hyunwook Kim, Hyekyung Seo, Jun-Pyo Myong, Jong-Seo Yoon, Yeunkun Song, Choongbuem Kim
김현욱, 서혜경, 명준표, 윤종서, 송윤근, 김충범
Keyword: anthropometric analysis, physiological data , facial dimension, lung function, child masks, 3D
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(3) Page: 350-366
Abstract | (2.4 MB) |
Numerical Study on the Ventilation Performance in the Boiler Building with and without Roof Openings
루프 환기구에 따른 보일러빌딩 내부 환기성능에 관한 수치적 연구
Hoon Ki Choi, Geun Jong Yoo, Sang Heon Lee
최훈기, 유근종, 이상헌
Keyword: boiler building, cooling performance, louver type ventilation, numerical analysis, peak temperature, roof type ventilation
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(3) Page: 342-349
Abstract | (3.8 MB) |
A Study on the Radon Concentration in the Office
사무실 내 라돈 농도에 관한 연구
Hyun Woo Choi, Chi-Nyon Kim, Jong-Uk Won, Hong-Kwan Kim, Jaehoon Roh
최현우, 김치년, 원종욱, 김홍관, 노재훈
Keyword: E-PERM, indoor air, office, radon, ventilation
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(3) Page: 334-341
Abstract | (349.4 KB) |
A Suggested Air Sampling Strategy for Bioaerosols in Daycare Center Settings
어린이활동공간에서의 바이오에어로졸 포집 전략
JungHeum Jo, Jun-sik Park, Sung-Yeon Kim, Myung hee Kwon, Ki Youn Kim, Jeong-Hak Choi, SungChul Seo
조정흠, 박준식, 김성연, 권명희, 김기연, 최정학, 서성철
Keyword: airborne, bacteria, bioaerosols, fungi, flow rate, Impactor, mold
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(3) Page: 324-333
Abstract | (881.7 KB) |
Fundamental Research for Establishing Job-Exposure Matrix (JEM) of Farmer Related to Insecticide of Pesticide (Ⅲ) : Fruit
농약물질 중 살충제 관련 농업 종사자들의 직무-노출 매트릭스 구축을 위한 기초 자료 조사 연구 (Ⅲ) : 과일류
Jeong-Hak Choi, Ki-Youn Kim
최정학, 김기연
Keyword: insecticide usage, pesticide usage statistics, fruit cultivation, job exposure matrix
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(3) Page: 317-323
Abstract | (612.5 KB) |
A Study on Desorption Efficiency of PAHs according to Desorption Solvents by HPLC with Sonication Extraction
탈착용매에 따른 PAHs 흡착매체의 탈착효율 평가 연구
Jwa-ryung Hong, Ji-eun Lee, Myung-Koo Jung, Kwang-min Choi
홍좌령, 이지은, 정명구, 최광민
Keyword: desorption efficiency, PAHs, PTFE, ultrasonic extraction, XAD-2
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(3) Page: 307-316
Abstract | (533.5 KB) |
Comparative Analysis between Direct-reading Meter of PID and GC-FID using the Active Type Air Sampler for VOCs Measurement
직독식 측정기 PID와 능동식 시료채취기에 의한 GC-FID 정량분석법의 VOCs 농도 비교 연구
Jin-Hee Yeo, Kwang-Min Choi
여진희, 최광민
Keyword: GC-FID, PID, semiconductor, volatile organic compounds
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(3) Page: 301-306
Abstract | (806.0 KB) |
A study on the Application Status to Trade Secret of GHS MSDSs distributed in the Workplaces and its Improvement Measures
산업체 유통 GHS MSDS의 영업비밀 적용실태 및 개선방안 연구
Kwon Seob Lee, Hye Jin Lee, Mun Ki Hong
이권섭, 이혜진, 홍문기
Keyword: chemical communication, chemical information, GHS MSDS, trade secret
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(3) Page: 293-300
Abstract | (296.2 KB) |
Reactive Oxygen Species and Cellular Immune Function of Workers Chronically Exposed to High-Level Dusts
고 농도 분진 만성노출 근로자의 세포성 면역기능과 활성산소종
Kab Bae Kim, Ki-Woong Kim
김갑배, 김기웅
Keyword: dusts exposure, ROSs, T-lymphocyte subpopulations, workers
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(3) Page: 286-292
Abstract | (351.1 KB) |