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Search Result: 1214
Time Trend in Airborne Asbestos Concentrations among Asbestos-containing Material Handling Industries in Korea, 2000 to 2005
우리나라 석면함유제품 취급 사업장의 공기 중 석면 농도의 시간적 변화
Young Gyu Phee
Keyword: asbestos, concentration, work environment monitoring data, time trend
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(4) Page: 454-465
Abstract | (445.6 KB) |
Comparison with decompression time and modes of air decompression tables in 5 countries
5개국 공기잠수감압표의 감압시간과 감압방법 비교
Joonhyuk Kang
Keyword: decompression table, exceptional exposure, in-water oxygen decompression, surface decompression
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(4) Page: 445-453
Abstract | (1.2 MB) |
Analysis of Suffocating Accidents in Confined Spaces in the Past 10 Years (2005-2015)
밀폐공간 질식재해 자료 분석을 통한 질식재해 요인 분석 (2005-2015)
Jung Wan Lee, Tae Hyeung Kim, Hyun Chul Ha, Cheng Xu Piao, Kwangseog Ahn
이정완, 김태형, 하현철, 박승욱, 안광석
Keyword: Confined space, suffocation accident, oxygen deficiency
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(4) Page: 436-444
Abstract | (1.0 MB) |
Decrease in Stress Response and Related Factors After Transition to Consecutive Day Shift from Day and Night Shift: A Motor Assembly Factory Case
주야2교대제에서 주간연속2교대제로의 전환 후 스트레스반응의 감소와 관련인자: 일개 완성차 제조사의 사례
Hansoo Song
Keyword: job stress, Korean, mental health, shift work, stress response
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(4) Page: 426-435
Abstract | (312.3 KB) |
Awareness on Zoonoses among Livestock(Korean Native Cattle) Farmers in Gyeongsangbuk-do
경북 일부지역 축산(한우) 농업인의 인수공통감염병 인지도
Sung-Jun Park, Seok-Ju Yoo, Kwan Lee, Hyun-Sul Lim
박성준, 유석주, 이관, 임현술
Keyword: Awareness, brucellosis, q-fever, zoonoses
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(4) Page: 418-425
Abstract | (301.9 KB) |
Evaluation of Indoor ETS Exposure Levels in Pubs, PC Game Rooms, and Billiards Halls around a University Campus using PM2.5 Concentrations
대학 캠퍼스 주변 호프집, PC방, 당구장의 실내 PM2.5 농도를 통한 ETS 노출 수준 평가
Jae Hwan Lee, Donguk Park, Kwonchul Ha
이재환, 박동욱, 하권철
Keyword: Billiards, Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), PM2.5
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(4) Page: 414-417
Abstract | (683.3 KB) |
Reliability Analysis of Material Safety Data Sheets(MSDS) for Photoresist Chemicals used in some Semiconductor Factories
일부 반도체 사업장 포토레지스트 화학물질 MSDS 정보의 신뢰성 분석
Kyunghwa Lee, Seokyong Lee, Yoonji Choi, Hanyoung Choi
이경화, 이석용, 최윤지, 최한영
Keyword: material safety data sheet, MSDS, semiconductor industry, trade secret.
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(4) Page: 404-410
Abstract | (336.8 KB) |
Evaluation of Bisphenol A-Epichlorohydrin Exposure Workers in Apartment Building Construction: Pilot Study
아파트 건축 작업장에서 사용되는 에피클로로하이드린-비스페놀A의 노출 평가: 파일럿 연구
Wonho Shin, Chan-Seok Moon
신원호, 문찬석
Keyword: Bisphenol A, construction work, evaluation, urine, waterproof
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(4) Page: 396-403
Abstract | (340.2 KB) |
What Caused Acute Methanol Poisoning and What is the Countermeasure?
급성메탄올중독사고, 왜 발생했으며, 그 대책은 무엇인가?
Jungsun Park, Yangho Kim, Soo Geun Kim, Jong-shik Park, Boyoung Han, Eun Kyo Chung
박정선, 김양호, 김수근, 박종식, 한보영, 정은교
Keyword: acute methanol poisoning, micro enterprise, temporary agency work
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(4) Page: 389-395
Abstract | (1.5 MB) |
Emotional Labor Experienced of Ward Nurses
포커스 그룹으로 본 병동간호사의 감정노동 경험
Soyeon Kim, Heeyoung Jung, Youngmi Kim
김소연, 정희영, 김영미
Keyword: Emotions, focus groups, nurses, qualitative research, working women
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2016, 26(3) Page: 377-387
Abstract | (357.3 KB) |