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Search Result: 1214
A Study on the Criteria for Selection of Permitted Standard Substances in the Occupational Safety and Health Act in Korea
산업안전보건법상 허용기준 설정대상 유해인자 선정기준 마련에 관한 연구
Junghyun Lee, Miran Hahm, Eun Jung Lee, Kwon Seob Lee, Mun Ki Hong, Sang-Hoon Byeon
이정현, 함미란, 이은정, 이권섭, 홍문기, 변상훈
Keyword: definition, selection criteria, substance of permissible exposure limits
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2017, 27(2) Page: 97-104
Abstract | (594.1 KB)
A Review of a System for Improving the Reliability of Domestic Measurement Results regarding the Work Environment
국내 작업환경 측정결과 신뢰성 향상을 위한 제도 고찰
Ki-Youn Kim, Taesun Kang, Seung Gil Lee, Hae Dong Park, Jee Yeon Jeong
김기연, 강태선, 이승길, 박해동, 정지연
Keyword: Workplace monitoring, work environment measurement, reliability, preliminary notification
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2017, 27(2) Page: 87-96
Abstract | (322.3 KB)
Association between Emotional Labor and Levels of Depression among Health Professionals
의료기관 종사자의 감정노동과 우울수준의 관련성
Ka-Young Park, Sa-Woo Lee, Jang Mi Kwon
박가영, 이사우, 권장미
Keyword: depression, emotional labor, health professional
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2017, 27(1) Page: 77-85
Abstract | (335.1 KB)
Reduction Effect of Air Cleaner on Particulate Matters and Biological Agents in a Swine Facility
공기정화기 적용에 따른 돈사 작업장내 입자상 물질 및 생물학상 물질 저감 효과에 관한 연구
Ki Youn Kim
Keyword: air cleaner operation, particulate matter, airborne microorganisms, swine facility
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2017, 27(1) Page: 70-76
Abstract | (890.8 KB)
Health effects on workers and actual exposure of VOCs in the nail shops
네일샵 종사자의 휘발성유기화합물 노출실태와 건강에 미치는 영향
Nan-Hee Kim, Kyoung-Woo Min, Gwang-Woon Cho, Dong-Ju Seo, Kyeong-Hun Im, Won-Sam Jeung, Young-Gwan Cho, Jin-Seok Yang
김난희, 민경우, 조광운, 서동주, 임경훈, 정원삼, 조영관, 양진석
Keyword: exposure level, health check-up, indoor air quality, nail shop, VOCs
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2017, 27(1) Page: 59-69
Abstract | (376.0 KB)
Exposure of Outdoor Workers to Particulate Matter in Construction Sites
건설업 옥외작업장 근로자의 미세먼지 노출 실태 조사
Seung Won Kim, Ga Hyun Lee, Young Gyu Phee, Won-Ho Yang, Wonchul Ha, Hyunghee Park
김승원, 이가현, 피영규, 양원호, 하권철, 박현희
Keyword: outdoor construction worker, Particulate matter (PM), PM from construction activities, PM from the atmosphere
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2017, 27(1) Page: 46-58
Abstract | (1.6 MB)
Evaluation of Effective Dose and Exposure Levels of Radon in Office and Plant Buildings
일부 제조업 사업장의 사무 및 공장동에서의 라돈농도 수준 및 유효선량 평가
Eun Kyo Chung, Ki Woong Kim
정은교, 김기웅
Keyword: Becquerel(㏃), construction materials, radon exposure, effective dose
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2017, 27(1) Page: 38-45
Abstract | (525.2 KB)
Exposure Assessment of Volatile Organic Compounds for Workers Handling Rust-preventive Oils
방청유 취급 근로자의 휘발성 유기화합물 노출 평가
Yoonkeong Jeong, Sangjun Choi
정윤경, 최상준
Keyword: CMR, rust preventive oil, volatile organic compounds
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2017, 27(1) Page: 23-37
Abstract | (390.6 KB)
Exposure Assessment of Particulate Matter among Door-to-door Deliverers Using GPS Devices
GPS를 이용한 택배서비스업 근로자의 미세먼지 노출 평가
Ga Hyun Lee, Seung Won Kim
이가현, 김승원
Keyword: door-to-door deliverer, GPS, PM2.5
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2017, 27(1) Page: 13-22
Abstract | (722.1 KB)
A Study on the Necessity and Action Plan of Establishment of Occupational Safety and Health Executive in Korea
산업안전보건청의 설립 필요성과 추진방안에 관한 연구
Jinwoo Jung
Keyword: occupational safety and health administration organization, occupational safety and health executive, expertise, efficiency, uniqueness, independence, activeness
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2017, 27(1) Page: 1-12
Abstract | (339.7 KB)