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Search Result: 1214
Development of Quantitative Exposure Index in Semiconductor Fabrication Work
반도체 FAB근무에 대한 정량적 노출지표 개발
Kyu-Sik Shin, Taehun Kim, Hyun Hee Jung, Soo-Hun Cho, Kyoungho Lee
신규식, 김태훈, 정현희, 조수헌, 이경호
Keyword: FAB-Year, Exposure index, Semiconductor, Similar exposure group
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2017, 27(3) Page: 187-192
Abstract | (471.2 KB)
Effect of Sampling Cassettes Type used in Sampling of Airborne Carbon Nanotube(CNT) to Electrostatic Loss
공기 중 탄소나노튜브 시료채취 시 사용하는 카세트 종류가 벽면 손실에 미치는 영향
Seunghon Ham, Songha Kim, Jinho Lee, Naroo Lee, Chungsik Yoon
함승헌, 김송하, 이진호, 이나루, 윤충식
Keyword: carbon nanotube, cassette, electrostatic, industrial hygiene, sampling
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2017, 27(3) Page: 180-186
Abstract | (409.9 KB)
Occupational Radiation Exposure of Emergency Medical Technicians in Emergency Medical Centers in Korea
우리나라 응급의료센터 응급구조사의 직업적 방사선 노출
Hyeongyeong Lee, Jeongim Park
이현경, 박정임
Keyword: emergency medical center, emergency medical technician(EMT), occupational radiation exposure
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2017, 27(3) Page: 170-179
Abstract | (443.6 KB)
Comparisons of Airborne Quartz Concentrationsin Mineral Dust Exposure Industries
광물성분진 노출사업장의 공기 중 석영의 농도 비교
Gyeong Seon Jeong, Hye Jeong Bae, Mi Ran Nam, Jong-Hyoen Jung, Young Gyu Phee
정경선, 배혜정, 남미란, 정종현, 피영규
Keyword: concentration, quartz, respirable dust
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2017, 27(3) Page: 163-169
Abstract | (340.3 KB)
Why did non-oral occupational methanol poisoning occur in South Korea in the 21st century?
왜 21세기 한국 사업장에서 메탄올 중독 실명 사고가 발생했을까?
Geuntak Lee, Sangyun Lee, Hyeyoung Park, Taesun Kang
이근탁, 이상윤, 박혜영, 강태선
Keyword: occupational disease, non-oral methanol poisoning, CNC cutting dispatched worker, mobile phone parts manufacturers
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2017, 27(3) Page: 149-162
Abstract | (388.8 KB)
Differences in sleep quality and fatigue according to gender of shift workers in electronics manufacturing industries
전자제품 제조업 교대 근로자의 성별에 따른 수면의 질과 피로도 차이
Ki-Woong Kim, Eun-Kyo Chung, Hae Dong Park, Kab-Bae Kim, Joon Hyuk Kang, Jiwon Ro, Hoe-kyeong Seo
김기웅, 정은교, 박해동, 김갑배, 강준혁, 노지원, 서회경
Keyword: fatigue, gender, Korean, shift work, sleep quality
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2017, 27(2) Page: 138-148
Abstract | (371.2 KB)
Musculoskeletal Pain Levels among Hairdressers and Affecting Factors
헤어드레서의 근골격계 통증수준과 관련 요인
Nyun Koo Joung, Jong-Hyeon Jung, Young Gyu Phee
정년구, 정종현, 피영규
Keyword: Hairdresser, musculoskeletal pain levels
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2017, 27(2) Page: 130-137
Abstract | (310.8 KB)
Study on The System Suitability Test for Alcohols Separation by GCOTC
GCOTC에 의한 알코올류 분리를 위한 시스템 적합성에 관한 연구
Oh Doe Seok, Kim Sung Hwa, Lee Seul, Choi Jae Gu
오도석, 김성화, 이슬, 최재구
Keyword: integral part, repeatability, system suitability(SST)
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2017, 27(2) Page: 123-129
Abstract | (635.1 KB)
Changes of Particle Filtration Efficiency of Cloth Masks by Machine Washing and Cloth Expansion
세탁 및 옷감 신장에 따른 천마스크 제품의 여과효율 변화
Seung Won Kim
Keyword: cloth expansion, cloth mask, filtration efficiency, machine washing
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2017, 27(2) Page: 115-112
Abstract | (1.1 MB)
An improvement plan for a workplace monitoring system through random selection of workplaces and unnoticed measurement inspection
사업장 무작위 선정 및 불시측정 방식을 통한 작업환경측정제도 신뢰성 제고 방안
Jee Yeon Jeong, Tae Sun Kang, Seung Gill Lee, Hae Dong Park, Ki Youn Kim
정지연, 강태선, 이승길, 박해동, 김기연
Keyword: inspection, unnoticed visit, workplace monitoring
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2017, 27(2) Page: 105-114
Abstract | (387.7 KB)