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Search Result: 1214
Examination and Suggestions on Introducing and Administering Confidential Information Review on Material Safety Data Sheets
국내 물질안전보건자료 영업비밀 심사제도의 도입ㆍ운영에 대한 검토 및 제안
Kwon Seob Lee, Ji hoon Jo
이권섭, 조지훈
Keyword: chemical communication, chemical information, MSDS, trade secret, workers' right to know
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(1) Page: 91-99
Abstract | (309.8 KB) |
Recommendation of an Occupational Exposure Limit and Legal Control Following an Acute Hepatotoxicity Incident from HCFC-123
HCFC-123의 급성 독성간질환 발생 사례에 따른 노출기준 및 법 관리 필요성 권고
Kwon Seob Lee, Ji hoon Jo, Bo Kyung Choi, Hye Lim Lee, Sang Hoon Byeon
이권섭, 조지훈, 최보경, 이혜림, 변상훈
Keyword: HCFC-123, liver disease, no observed adverse effect level(NOAEL), occupational exposure limits(OELs), RfCworker, risk assessment, time-weighted average(TWA)
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(1) Page: 80-90
Abstract | (382.2 KB) |
Bactericidal Efficacy of Non-thermal DBD Plasma on Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli
비열 유전체장벽방전 플라즈마의 포도상구균 및 대장균 살균효과
Keyyoung Kim, Namwon Paik, Yonghee Kim, Kwanho Yoo
김기영, 백남원, 김용희, 유관호
Keyword: Microorganisms, non-thermal DBD plasma, McFarland turbidity
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(1) Page: 61-79
Abstract | (2.2 MB) |
A Comparison of Dose-Response Assessments for CMR Materials in the Workplace
작업장에서 취급하는 CMR물질의 용량반응평가 방법 비교
Kyung Hwa Lee, Han Young Choi, Chi Nyon Kim, Young Man Roh, Hee Jin Choi, Chae Ri Park
이경화, 최한영, 김치년, 노영만, 최희진, 박채리
Keyword: CMR, dose-response, OEL, REACH, RfCw, SECO-DNEL
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(1) Page: 51-60
Abstract | (571.3 KB) |
An Experimental Study on Acute Toxicity of Benzo[a]pyrene
벤조피렌의 급성독성시험 연구
Mina Kim, Seungkil Lee, Samrae Cho, Dukhyun Kim
김미나, 이승길, 조삼래, 김덕현
Keyword: acute toxicity, Benzo[a]pyrene, 50 mg/kg, 300 mg/kg, 2000 mg/kg
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(1) Page: 43-50
Abstract | (1.0 MB) |
Investigation and Risk Assessment of Asbestos-Containing Materials used in Buildings
건축물에 사용된 석면함유물질(ACMs)의 조사 및 위해성 평가
Hong-Kwan Kim, Young Woo Chon, Young Man Roh, Seung-Han Hong, Chi-Nyon Kim, Ik-Mo Lee
김홍관, 천영우, 노영만, 홍승한, 김치년, 이익모
Keyword: asbestos, asbestos-containing materials(ACMs), building material, building owner, risk assessment
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(1) Page: 35-42
Abstract | (676.3 KB) |
A Study on Problems and Improvement Measures of Occupational Safety and Health Law Policies in Korea: Focused on Administrative Rules and Guidelines
산업안전보건법정책의 문제점과 개선방안 - 행정규칙과 행정지침을 중심으로 -
Jinwoo Jung
Keyword: administrative guidelines, administrative rules, legal policy, occupational safety and health law policy, occupational safety and health legislation
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(1) Page: 18-34
Abstract | (364.9 KB) |
A Study on the Development of a Health Risk Assessment Method for the Management of the Health Environment of Residents Living Around Areas Affected by Chemical Accidents
화학사고 주변 지역 거주자의 보건환경 관리를 위한 건강위해성 평가 방법 개발에 관한 연구
Sihyun Park, Sejung Park, Taehyun Park, Danki Yoon, Jonghyeon Jung, Sungkyu Gang, Dongsoo Lee, Youngrok Seo, Yeonsoon An, Cheolmin Lee
박시현, 박세정, 박태현, 윤단기, 정종현, 강성규, 이동수, 서영록, 안연순, 이철민
Keyword: chemical accident, chronic, risk assessment, subacute/subchronic
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(1) Page: 1-17
Abstract | (1.2 MB) |
Estimation of the Asbestos Handling History of Workers in the Automobile Manufacturing Industry in Korea
자동차 제조 사업장 근로자들의 석면 취급 이력 추정
Sangjun Choi, Shinbum Kim, Youngeun Choi
최상준, 김신범, 최영은
Keyword: asbestos, asbestos containing material, automobile manufacture
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2017, 27(4) Page: 423-432
Abstract | (539.4 KB) |
Evaluation of Crystalline Silica Exposure Level by Industries in Korea
국내 업종별 결정형 유리규산 노출 평가
Dong-Eun Yeon, Sangjun Choi
연동은, 최상준
Keyword: crystalline silica, Korea Standard Industrial Classification, retrospective exposure estimation
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2017, 27(4) Page: 398-422
Abstract | (1.5 MB) |