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Search Result: 1214
A Review on the Classification of Skin Toxicity Hazards Due to Skin Contact with Chemical Substances
화학물질 피부접촉에 의한 피부독성 유해성 분류에 관한 고찰
Buhyun Kwon, Jihoon Jo, Dohee Lee
권부현, 조지훈, 이도희
Keyword: acute toxicity(dermal), occupational skin diseases, skin corrosion/irritation
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(2) Page: 175-189
Abstract | (492.8 KB)
Estimating the Number of Target Workplaces for Work Environment Monitoring using Survey Data among Manufacturing Businesses with More than Five Employees in 2016
5인이상 제조업에서 설문조사를 통한 작업환경측정 대상 사업장의 규모 추정
Jinwook Bahk, Seung-Won Kim, Seon-Hee Yang, Hyang Woo Ryu, Eun-A Kim
박진욱, 김승원, 양선희, 류향우, 김은아
Keyword: estimation, target workplace, work environment monitoring
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(2) Page: 166-174
Abstract | (486.8 KB)
An Experimental Study on Acute Toxicity of Benzo[a]pyrene
모니터링위원회를 통한 작업환경 개선 활성화 방안
Gyuseok Hwang
Keyword: monitoring committee, ministry of employment and labor, work environment measurement, work environment improvement
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(2) Page: 158-165
Abstract | (449.6 KB)
Exposure Assessment of PM10 in Expressway Toll Booths
고속도로 톨게이트 부스 내 공기 중 PM10의 노출평가
Mi Ran Nam, Young Gyu Phee
남미란, 피영규
Keyword: expressway, concentration, PM10, toll
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(2) Page: 151-157
Abstract | (334.9 KB)
A Survey on Annual Exceedance Trends for the Domestic Permissible Exposure Limit for Benzene
벤젠의 국내 허용기준에 대한 연도별 초과 경향 연구
Kyunghwa Lee, Ki-Youn Kim
이경화, 김기연
Keyword: benzene, chemical substances, permissible exposure limit, excess rate
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(2) Page: 144-150
Abstract | (569.9 KB)
Assessment of asbestos exposure level of workers handling waste containing asbestos
석면함유폐기물 취급근로자의 석면노출수준 평가
Jee Yeon Jeong, Eun Young Kim
정지연, 김은영
Keyword: asbestos, asbestos-containing waste, exposure
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(2) Page: 135-143
Abstract | (366.2 KB)
Emotional Labor and Sleep Quality of Dental Hygienists:
Mediating effect of Depression
치과위생사의 감정노동과 수면의 질 : 우울의 매개효과
Eun-Ji Park, Yeon-Ha Kim, Soo-Jin Lee
박은지, 김연하, 이수진
Keyword: dental hygiene, depression, emotion, sleep
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(1) Page: 124-133
Abstract | (370.0 KB)
Factors Influencing Health-related Quality of Life among Women Workers
여성 근로자의 건강관련 삶의 질에 미치는 영향 요인
Yu-Rim Jeong, Seong-Hwa Jeong, Sam-Sung Han
정유림, 정성화, 한삼성
Keyword: education, health-related quality of life, osteoarthritis, women workers
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(1) Page: 117-123
Abstract | (326.6 KB)
Current status of working environment monitoring the designated organization's laboratory and factors affecting reliability of the analysis results
작업환경측정 지정기관의 분석실 현황 및 분석결과의 신뢰성에 영향을 주는 요인
Ki-Woong Kim, Hae Dong Park, Sungho Kim, Jiwon Ro, Eun Song Hwang, Eun-Kyo Chung, Kee Hong Cho
김기웅, 박해동, 김성호, 노지원, 황은송, 정은교, 조기홍
Keyword: designated organization' laboratory, questionnaire, reliability analysis
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(1) Page: 108-116
Abstract | (509.9 KB)
Evaluationof Exposure Levels and Detection Rate of Hazardous Factors in the Working Environment, Focused on the Aluminum Die Casting Process in the Automobile Manufacturing Industry
자동차 부품제조 사업장의 유해인자 노출 농도수준 및 검출율
- 알루미늄 다이캐스팅 공정을 중심으로 -
Duk-Hee Lee, Chan-Seok Moon
이덕희, 문찬석
Keyword: Aluminum die casting process, work environment measurement, detection, exposure concentration level, noise
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(1) Page: 100-107
Abstract | (373.1 KB)