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Search Result: 1214
Evaluation of Effective Dose and Exposure Level of Radon in Process Handling NORM
인산석고 취급공정에서의 라돈농도 및 유효선량 수준 평가
Eun Kyo Chung, Jae Kil Jang, Jong Kyu Kim, Joon Beom Kim, Jiwoon Kwon
정은교, 장재길, 김종규, 김준범, 권지운
Keyword: Dose conversion factor, ICRP, NORM
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(3) Page: 283-291
Abstract | (365.4 KB)
Comparison of Dustiness of Eleven Nanomaterials using Voltex Shaker Method
볼텍스쉐이커를 이용한 11개 나노물질의 분진날림 비교
Naroo Lee, Jinwoo Park
이나루, 박진우
Keyword: agglomeration, dustiness, nanomaterial, vortex shaker
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(3) Page: 273-282
Abstract | (2.5 MB)
Evaluation of accuracy of Self-reported Information in Pesticide Exposure Assessment
농약노출 평가에 사용되는 자가 보고의 정확성 평가
Yun Keun Lee, Hee Sok Park, Kyung Doo Min, Hyo Cher Kim, Gyung Ran Kim
이윤근, 박희석, 민경두, 김효철, 김경란
Keyword: accuracy, assessment, exposure, pesticide, self-reported information
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(3) Page: 267-272
Abstract | (290.8 KB)
Asphalt Fumes and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons(PAHs) Exposure Assessment among Asphalt Road Paving Workers
아스팔트 도로포장 작업자의 아스팔트 흄 및 다환방향족탄화수소 노출수준 평가
Hyunhee Park, Eunsong Hwang, Sungho Kim
박현희, 황은송, 김성호
Keyword: asphalt fume, benzo(a)pyrene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, road paving workers
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(3) Page: 257-266
Abstract | (505.6 KB)
Understanding Three-dimensional Printing Technology, Evaluation, and Control of Hazardous Exposure Agents
3D 프린팅 기술의 이해, 유해 인자 노출 평가와 제어
Jihoon Park, Haejoon Jeon, Youngseok Oh, Kyungho Park, Chungsik Yoon
박지훈, 전혜준, 오영석, 박경호, 윤충식
Keyword: Additive manufacturing, 3D printing, filament, hazards, exposure
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(3) Page: 241-256
Abstract | (1.4 MB)
Exposure Characteristics of Chemical Hazards in Metalworking Operations using an Employee Exposure Assessment Database
작업환경측정 자료를 이용한 CNC공정의 유해물질 노출 특성
Jaehwan Lee, Donguk Park, Kwonchul Ha
이재환, 박동욱, 하권철
Keyword: exposureassessment, health hazard, metal working operation, methanol
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(2) Page: 230-239
Abstract | (495.3 KB)
Research on the Safety and Health Management and Asphyxiation Gas Concentration in Ginger Storage Tunnel
생강 저장굴의 질식 가스 농도 및 안전보건 관리 방향에 관한 연구
Hyocher Kim, Minji Lee, Insoo Kim, Kyeongsuk Lee, Mintae Seo, Jongjin Cha, Kyungran Kim
김효철, 이민지, 김인수, 이경숙, 서민태, 차종진, 김경란
Keyword: content, farmer, information, safety and health
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(2) Page: 222-229
Abstract | (1.9 MB)
Work-related Risk Factors Associated with Upper Extremity Symptoms among Construction Workers
건설업 종사자의 상지 근골격계 증상에 영향을 미치는 업무관련 요인
Hyungyoel Cho, Jong Park, Chulgab Lee
조형열, 박 종, 이철갑
Keyword: construction workers, risk factors, upper extremity symptoms, work-related
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(2) Page: 211-221
Abstract | (327.0 KB)
Exposure to Ozone and TVOCs during Shipyard Welding and the Adequacy of RPE
조선소 용접작업 중 오존 및 TVOCs의 노출평가와 사용 호흡보호구의 적합성
Don-Hee Han, Dong Hwan Kim
한돈희, 김동환
Keyword: ozone, RPE, shipyard, TVOCs, welding
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(2) Page: 200-210
Abstract | (1.3 MB)
A numerical Study on Optimum Ventilation Conditions for the Task of Exchange Catalyst
반응기촉매 교체작업시 최적 환기조건에 대한 수치해석적 연구
Jang-ken Yoon, Yong-Sun Im, Misoo Shin
윤장근, 임용순, 신미수
Keyword: chemical industry, catalyst dust, ventilation, numerical analysis, cfd
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(2) Page: 190-199
Abstract | (5.4 MB)