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Search Result: 1214
Evaluation of Indoor Mold Exposure Level in dwelling Using DNA-Based Mold Assessment Method
DNA 기반 곰팡이 평가기법을 활용한 주택의 실내 곰팡이 노출수준 평가
Eun-Seol Hwang, Sung Chul Seo, Ju-Yeong Lee, Jung-min Ryu, Myung-Hee Kwon, Hyen-Mi Chung, Yong-Min Cho, Jung-Sub Lee
황은설, 서성철, 이주영, 류정민, 권명희, 정현미, 조용민, 이정섭
Keyword: Airborne mold, condensation, ERMI (Environmental Relative Moldiness Index), floor dust, water damage
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(4) Page: 382-392
Abstract | (863.6 KB)
Factors Influencing Perceived Fatigue and Health Promotion Behavior among Hair Dressers
미용사의 지각된 피로도와 건강증진행위에 영향을 미치는 요인
Mi-Ja Lee, Sam-Sung Han, Wang-Keun Yoo
이미자, 한삼성, 유왕근
Keyword: exercise, perceived fatigue, hair dressers, health promotion behavior, women workers
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(4) Page: 374-381
Abstract | (364.4 KB)
Association between Employment Status and the Prevalence of COPD for Manufacturing and Construction Workers
제조업 및 건설업 근로자들의 근로 형태와 COPD발생 간의 연관성
Jennifer Ivy Kim, Hyekyung Seo, Hyunwook Kim
김지현, 서혜경, 김현욱
Keyword: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, employment status, temporary workers
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(4) Page: 365-373
Abstract | (1.0 MB)
Improvement of Material Safety Data Sheet Regulation for Enhancing the Effectiveness and Efficiency in the Field
현장 활용성과 효과 제고를 위한 물질안전보건자료 제도개선 방안
Sangjun Choi, Youngeun Choi, Jeongim Park
최상준, 최영은, 박정임
Keyword: education, effectiveness, MSDS, subcontractor
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(4) Page: 352-364
Abstract | (2.6 MB)
Characteristics of Replacement of Labor following Accidents in Agriculture
농작업 재해 발생에 따른 대체인력 고용 특성
Yun Keun Lee, Hee Sok Park, Hyo Cher Kim, Gyung Ran Kim, Kyung Suk Lee
이윤근, 박희석, 김효철, 김경란, 이경숙
Keyword: Agriculture, compensation, accident, replacing labor, work loss
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(4) Page: 346-351
Abstract | (284.8 KB)
Working time patterns and health among Korean nurses: a literature review
한국 간호사의 건강연구에서 야간근무 노출 평가에 대한 고찰
Seohyun Yoon, Chung-Won Kang, Dohyung Kee, Hyunjoo Kim
윤서현, 강충원, 기도형, 김현주
Keyword: health, Korea, night-work, nurses, shift-work
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(4) Page: 331-345
Abstract | (471.4 KB)
The Analysis of Risk Exposure and Ill Health Symptom by Difference Depending on the Special Type of Employment
특수형태근로 종사 여부에 따른 작업위험요인과 건강상 문제의 차이 분석
Saemi Shin, Sang Hoon Byeon
신새미, 변상훈
Keyword: ill health symptom, Korean Working Condition Survey, risk exposure, the special type of employment
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(3) Page: 319-329
Abstract | (315.9 KB)
A Comparison of the Occupational Accident Status by Safety and Health Management Type in Workplaces
사업장의 안전ㆍ보건관리 유형별 산업재해 발생현황 비교
Dong-Je Jo
Keyword: Health manager, musculoskeletal disorders rate, occupational accident rate, occupational fatality rate, safety manager
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(3) Page: 312-318
Abstract | (322.3 KB)
Comparison of Occupational Asthma, Rhinitis, and Respiratory Symptoms Between Direct Exposure to Flour Dust and Non-exposure Groups
밀가루 분진 직접노출군과 비노출군의 호흡기, 직업성 천식 및 비염에 대한 자각증상 비교
Sa Woo Lee, Young Gyu Phee
이사우, 피영규
Keyword: flour dust, occupational asthma and rhinitis, respiratory symptoms
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(3) Page: 304-311
Abstract | (363.1 KB)
Estimation of Manganese Levels in Cord Blood of Pregnant Workers
임신 여성 근로자의 제대혈 중 망간 농도 추정
Aram Lee, Kyungho Choi, Hai-Joong Kim, Jeong Jae Lee, Gyuyeon Choi, Sungjoo Kim, Su Young Kim, Geumjoon Cho, Youg Don Kim, Eunsook Suh, Sung Koo Kim, So-Hee Eun, Soyong Eom, Seunghyo Kum, Gun-Ha Kim, Hyo-Bang Moon, Sungkyoon Kim, Sooran Choi, Jeongim Park
이아람, 최경호, 김해중, 이정재, 최규연, 김성주, 김수영, 조금준, 김영돈, 서은숙, 김성구, 은소희, 엄소용, 김승효, 김건하, 문효방, 김성균, 최수란, 박정임
Keyword: exposure, female workers, manganese, newborns, transfer ratio
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(3) Page: 292-303
Abstract | (944.9 KB)