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Search Result: 1214
Study on the Improvement of Reliability Assessment of Work Environment Measurement in Korea
작업환경측정 신뢰성평가제도 개선방안에 관한 연구
Gyuseok Hwang
Keyword: reliability assessment, work environment measurement, work environment monitoring service provider
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2019, 29(1) Page: 50-56
Abstract | (353.7 KB) |
Iron deficiency in Retired Workers exposed to Mineral dust with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
만성폐쇄성폐질환을 동반한 광물성분진 노출 이직근로자의 철 결핍
Jong Seong Lee, Jae Hoon Shin, Jin Ee Ba다, Ji Yeong Jeong, Hyeong Geun Kim, Byung-Soon Choi
이종성, 신재훈, 백진이, 정지영, 김형근, 최병순
Keyword: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, C-reactive protein, hepcidin, iron deficiency, retired miner
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2019, 29(1) Page: 42-49
Abstract | (994.0 KB) |
Comparison of Airborne Lead Concentration in and Around Lead Production Plant
재생 납 생산 공장과 인근 지역의 공기 중 납 농도 수준 비교
Changhwan Park, Yunkyung Park, Younhee Oh, Inja Choi, Wonseok Cha, Sangjun Choi
박창환, 박윤경, 오윤희, 최인자, 차원석, 최상준
Keyword: lead, lead recycling plant, residential area
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2019, 29(1) Page: 34-41
Abstract | (934.9 KB) |
Study on the Status of Application of Trade Secrets in MSDS Provided in Workplaces
산업체 규모와 업종에 따른 MSDS 영업비밀 적용 실태조사 연구
Kwon Seob Lee, Heung Koo Choi, In Seop Lee
이권섭, 최흥구, 이인섭
Keyword: chemical information, MSDS, non-public approval, right of known, trade secret
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2019, 29(1) Page: 27-33
Abstract | (290.9 KB) |
Survey on Annual Excess Trend for Permissible Exposure Limit of Trichloroethylene
트리클로로에틸렌의 허용기준 적용에 따른 연도별 초과 경향 연구
Ki-Youn Kim
Keyword: chemical substances, permissible exposure limit, trichloroethylene
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2019, 29(1) Page: 21-26
Abstract | (495.2 KB) |
Recommendation of Occupational Exposure Limit through occupational hazard assessment of PHMG-Phosphate
PHMG-Phosphate의 직업적 유해성평가를 통한 노출기준 제안 연구
Hye Lim Lee, Sang Hoon Byeon, Kwon Seob Lee
이혜림, 변상훈, 이권섭
Keyword: biocide, no observed adverse effect level(NOAEL), occupational exposure limits(OELs), PHMG, RfCworker
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2019, 29(1) Page: 13-20
Abstract | (352.3 KB) |
Task-based Exposure Assessment among Laboratory workers in Organic Synthesis Laboratories
유기합성실험실 연구자의 단위작업별 노출 평가
Youngeun Choi, Yeonhee Chu, Ikmo Lee, Jeongim Park
최영은, 추연희, 이익모, 박정임
Keyword: exposure assessment, laboratory workers, organic solvents, task-based, TWA
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2019, 29(1) Page: 1-12
Abstract | (1.4 MB) |
Estimated Exposure Population to Hazardous Workplace Noise among Korean Workers
델파이 조사를 통한 직업적 소음 노출 규모의 추정
Seung Won Kim, Sun-Hee Yang, Yong-Joon Baek, Taejin Chung, Hyang-Woo Ryu, Eun-A Kim
김승원, 양선희, 백용준, 정태진, 류향우, 김은아
Keyword: Delphi survey, Korean Standard Industrial Classification, size of business
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(4) Page: 416-424
Abstract | (705.4 KB) |
Hazard Investigation of Cosmetic Ingredients in Korea
국내 화장품 원료성분에 대한 유해성 조사
Hyeyoung Choi, Sangjun Choi, Yunkyung Park, Inja Choi
최혜영, 최상준, 박윤경, 최인자
Keyword: CMR, cosmetics ingredients, EDCs, hazard
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(4) Page: 406-415
Abstract | (311.0 KB) |
Types of Hazardous Factors and Time-trend of Exposure Levels from the Working Environment at a Shock Absorber Manufacturing Facility
자동차 쇼크업소바 제조사업장의 작업자 노출 유해인자의 종류 및 노출수준의 경시적 변화
Gyu-Chae Na, Chan-Seok Moon
나규채, 문찬석
Keyword: automobile, noise, shock absorber, time-trend, work environment
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2018, 28(4) Page: 393-405
Abstract | (2.3 MB) |