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Search Result: 1214
Features of Work and Posture Analysis Outputs in General Hospital Nurses
종합병원 간호사의 업무 및 작업자세 분석결과 특징
Jung-Keun Park
Keyword: general hospital, musculoskeletal disorder risk factor, nurse, observational method, posture analysis, work analysis
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2019, 29(3) Page: 375-382
Abstract | (505.5 KB) |
Comparison between Heart Rates and Borg’s Scale as a Tool to Evaluate Physical Workload
작업 현장에서 육체적 작업 강도를 평가하는 도구로서 Borg’s Scale과 심박 수의 비교
Byoung Hoon Kim, Ji Young Park, Sangwoo Tak
김병훈, 박지영, 탁상우
Keyword: Borg’s scale, energy expenditure, rest heart rate, work heart rate, workload
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2019, 29(3) Page: 368-374
Abstract | (404.6 KB) |
Model Algorithms for Estimates of Inhalation Exposure and Comparison between Exposure Estimates from Each Model
입 노출 모델 알고리즘의 구성과 시나리오 노출량 비교
Jihoon Park, Chungsik Yoon
박지훈, 윤충식
Keyword: Exposure model, inhalation, aerosol, algorithm, exposure scenario
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2019, 29(3) Page: 358-367
Abstract | (670.6 KB) |
Inactivation of Indoor Airborne Fungi Using Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasma
저온 대기압 플라즈마의 실내공기 중 곰팡이 생장억제 효과
Namwon Paik, Sungmin Heo, Ilyoung Lee
백남원, 허성민, 이일영
Keyword: Cold atmospheric pressure plasma, CAP, fungi, indoor air, humidity
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2019, 29(3) Page: 351-357
Abstract | (721.2 KB) |
An Experimental Study for the Improvement of Ventilation Conditions and Effectiveness in the Manufacturing Industry by Increasing the Mixing Factor (K-Factor)
혼합계수(K-Factor) 증가에 따른 사업장의 환기 조건 및 효율 개선에 관한 연구
Yun-ho Lee, Seokwon Lee, Kyoungho Lee, Hyunwook Kim
이윤호, 이석원, 이경호, 김현욱
Keyword: Experimental chamber, indoor air velocity, mixing factor, smoke pattern, ventilation condition
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2019, 29(3) Page: 343-350
Abstract | (1.4 MB) |
Acute Hydrogen Cyanide Poisoning in a Plating Worker and Workplace Measurement
도금 사업장 근로자에게 발생한 시안화수소 급성중독과 작업환경평가
Seunghon Ham, Won-Jun Choi, Junhyung Lee, Yong su Lim, Jihyun Kang, Seong-Kyu Kang
함승헌, 최원준, 이준형, 임용수, 강지현, 강성규
Keyword: Hydrogen cyanide, acute poisoning, plating industry, short term exposure limit
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2019, 29(3) Page: 336-342
Abstract | (1.6 MB) |
Standardization of work environment measurement information for constructing exposure surveillance system
노출감시체계 구축을 위한 작업환경측정 정보 표준화
Sangjun Choi, Jee Yoen Jeong, Sungguk Im, Daesung Lim, Dong-Hee Koh, Donguk Park, YunKyung Park, Soyeon Kim, Eunkyo Chung
최상준, 정지연, 임성국, 임대성, 고동희, 박동욱, 박윤경, 김소연, 정은교
Keyword: Job, process, standardization, work environment measurement
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2019, 29(3) Page: 322-335
Abstract | (640.5 KB) |
Types & Characteristics of Chemical Substances used in the LCD Panel Manufacturing Process
LCD 제조공정에서 사용되는 화학물질의 종류 및 특성
Seung-Hyun Park, Hae Dong Park, Jiwon Ro
박승현, 박해동, 노지원
Keyword: Chemical substances, Color filer, Liquid crystal display(LCD), Module, Thin film transistor(TFT)
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2019, 29(3) Page: 310-321
Abstract | (404.1 KB) |
Safety and Health Culture Change Stages: A Reflection on 40 years of Hearing Conservation History at a Multinational Company
일개 기업의 40년 소음으로 인한 청력 손실 예방 활동을 통해 본 청력보존문화의 변화 단계
Mijin Park, Chungsik Yoon, Domyung Pa다
박미진, 윤충식, 백도명
Keyword: Hearing conservation program, noise control, culture change, safety culture, change agent role
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2019, 29(3) Page: 298-309
Abstract | (726.5 KB) |
Risk Factors for Associated with Latent Tuberculosis Infection among Former Mine Workers
광업 이직근로자에서 잠복결핵감염 위험요인 분석
Joo Hwan Hwang, Jae Hoon Shin, JinEe Ba다, Byung-Soon Choi
황주환, 신재훈, 백진이, 최병순
Keyword: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, latent tuberculosis infection, mine worker, QuantiFERON-TB® Gold In-Tube
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2019, 29(3) Page: 289-297
Abstract | (321.1 KB) |