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Search Result: 1214
Development of Active Tuberculosis among Former Dusty Workers who Diagnosed with Latent Tuberculosis Infection
잠복결핵감염 양성인 분진작업 근로자에서 활동성 결핵 발병률
Joo Hwan Hwang
Keyword: Active tuberculosis, attack rate, dusty worker, latent tuberculosis infection
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2020, 30(1) Page: 67-74
Abstract | (660.2 KB) |
Sample Development for Quality Control of Formaldehyde and Proficiency Analytical Testing
정도관리용 포름알데히드 시료개발 및 분석능력평가
Hae Dong Park, Miyeon Jang, Seunghyun Park
박해동, 장미연, 박승현
Keyword: formaldehyde, proficiency analytical testing, quality control
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2020, 30(1) Page: 58-66
Abstract | (1.4 MB) |
Assessment of Methylbromide Exposure Levels in Fumigation Workers on Import and Export Plant
수출입식물 훈증 작업자의 브롬화메틸 노출수준 평가
Jee Yeon Jeong, Gwang-Yong Yi, Sook-Ja Cho, Seung-Hyeon Park
정지연, 이광용, 조숙자, 박승현
Keyword: container, fumigation, methyl bromide, tent
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2020, 30(1) Page: 50-57
Abstract | (433.8 KB) |
Investigation of the Occurrence of Industrial Accidents and Accidental Deaths by Chemical Leakage and Skin Contact
화학물질의 누출과 피부접촉에 의한 재해자 및 사고사망자 발생현황 조사
Kwon Seob Lee, Hyun Sung Choi, Ha Young Lee, Kyung Min Shin, Heung Koo Choi, In Seop Lee
이권섭, 최현성, 이하영, 신경민, 최흥구, 이인섭
Keyword: chemical leakage and skin contact, chemical management, hazardous chemical accidents(HCA), industrial accidents
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2020, 30(1) Page: 39-49
Abstract | (627.2 KB) |
A Study on Perceived Problems of and Improvement Measures for Asbestos Abatement Companies in Support of Related Policies
석면 해체 및 제거 업체가 느끼는 관련 제도의 문제점 및 개선방안에 관한 연구
Jaepil Chang, Youngman Rho, Kihyo Jung
장재필, 노영만, 정기효
Keyword: Asbestos, asbestos risk assessment, asbestos abatement, asbestos abatement company
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2020, 30(1) Page: 28-38
Abstract | (452.0 KB) |
Research on Durability Assessment of Asbestos Stabilizer for Asbestos-containing Ceiling Materials
석면 함유 천장재에 대한 석면 안정화제 내구성 평가 연구
Joo-Yeon Ha, Hyun-Gyoo Shin
하주연, 신현규
Keyword: Asbestos, asbestos stabilizer, ceiling materials, durability assessment, humidity
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2020, 30(1) Page: 18-27
Abstract | (3.1 MB) |
Characteristics of Airborne and Deposited Dust in Expressway Toll Booths
고속도로 톨게이트 부스의 공기 중 분진 및 침착 분진 특성
Mi Ran Nam, Jong-Hyoen Jung, Young Gyu Phee
남미란, 정종현, 피영규
Keyword: concentration, dust, expressway, toll booth
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2020, 30(1) Page: 10-17
Abstract | (891.2 KB) |
Characteristics of Workers’ Exposure to Aerosolized Particles during the Production of Carbon Nanotube-enabled Composites
탄소나노튜브 복합체 취급 작업자의 공기 중 입자상 물질 노출 특성
Jiwoon Kwon, Sungho Kim, Miyeon Jang
권지운, 김성호, 장미연
Keyword: Aerosol, carbon nanotube, elemental carbon, nanocomposite
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2020, 30(1) Page: 1-9
Abstract | (1.7 MB) |
Case Report on the Survey Results of Educational Satisfaction According to the Operation of Occupational Safety and Health Training Institute
산업안전보건교육 기관의 운영에 따른 교육 만족도 조사결과 사례 보고
Hyeon-Yeong Kim, Mi-Jin Heo, In-Jae Shin
김현영, 허미진, 신인재
Keyword: Customer Satisfaction(CS), Education Center, Occupational Safety and Health
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2019, 29(4) Page: 603-609
Abstract | (708.5 KB) |
Fire fighters' Asphyxiation Incidents during Confined Space Rescue in Korea
소방공무원의 비화재 밀폐공간 구조⋅구급 활동 중 질식 및 중독재해 사례 분석
Juhee Lee, Taesun Kang
이주희, 강태선
Keyword: Firefighter, asphyxiation, confined space, rescue, asphyxiation firefighter, incident investigation
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2019, 29(4) Page: 590-602
Abstract | (1.4 MB) |