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Search Result: 1214
Noise Exposure Levels of Workplaces Exposed to Noise and Rate of Exceedance of Exposure Limits
소음 노출 사업장의 소음 노출수준과 노출기준 초과율 현황
KyooSang Kim, Jungmin Sung, Eun-A Kim
김규상, 성정민, 김은아
Keyword: exceedance rate, exposure level, noise
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2020, 30(2) Page: 185-195
Abstract | (442.0 KB) |
Investigation of Job Satisfaction and Hazardous Factors of Aircraft Cleaning Worker
항공기 청소 노동자의 작업 만족도 및 유해인자 조사
Yeonhak Choi, Ki-Youn Kim
최연학, 김기연
Keyword: aircraft, cleaning worker, dust, hazardous factor, noise
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2020, 30(2) Page: 174-184
Abstract | (1.5 MB) |
High Influential Factor of Cadmium and Lead Exposure in Outdoor Workers
옥외 근로자들의 카드뮴과 납 노출 영향요인
Chan-Seok Moon
Keyword: Asian dust, Cadmium, Exposure, Lead, Outdoor workers
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2020, 30(2) Page: 163-173
Abstract | (1.5 MB) |
Assessment of Emitted Volatile Organic Compounds, Metals and Characteristic of Particle in Commercial 3D Printing Service Workplace
실제 3D 프린팅 작업장에서 발생하는 공기 중 유기화합물, 금속 및 입자특성 평가
Sungho Kim, Eunkyo Chung, Seodong Kim, Jiwoon Kwon
김성호, 정은교, 김세동, 권지운
Keyword: metals, particle, 3D printer, 3D printing workplace, VOCs
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2020, 30(2) Page: 153-162
Abstract | (670.1 KB) |
Exposure Assessment of Solvents and Toluene Diisocyanates among Polyurethane Waterproofing Workers in the Construction industry
건설현장 우레탄 방수작업자의 휘발성 유기화합물 및 톨루엔 디이소시아네이트 노출평가
Hyunhee Park, Eunsong Hwang, Jiwon Ro, Kwangmyung Jang, Seunghyun Park, Chungsik Yoon
박현희, 황은송, 노지원, 장광명, 박승현, 윤충식
Keyword: construction workers, polyurethane waterproofing, Toluene diisocyanates(TDIs), Volatile organic compounds(VOCs)
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2020, 30(2) Page: 134-152
Abstract | (628.4 KB) |
Fit Testing for Domestic N95 Medical Masks
일개 국내산 의료용 N95 마스크의 밀착도 분석
Hyekyung Seo, Byoung-kab Kang, Young-il Kwon
서혜경, 강병갑, 권영일
Keyword: COVID-19, fit factor, hcws(healthcare workers), N95, Quantitative Fit Test(QNFT)
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2020, 30(2) Page: 124-133
Abstract | (1.3 MB) |
Comparisons of Certification Standards for Mask and Review on Filtration Efficiency for Viruses
마스크의 인증기준 비교와 바이러스 여과효율에 대한 고찰
Chungsik Yoon, Sulbee Go, Jihoon Park
윤충식, 고슬비, 박지훈
Keyword: Coronavirus, droplet, filtration, infection, mask, NaCl, pandemic, particle, respirator, virus
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2020, 30(2) Page: 109-123
Abstract | (583.7 KB) |
Comparison of Regulatory Systems for Safety and Health Management in Research Laboratories – Case Review between Korea and Germany
연구 실험실 안전보건 관리제도 비교 - 한국과 독일 사례 고찰
Jihoon Park, Baeckkyoung Sung, Matthias Oliver Altmeyer, Young Jun Kim
박지훈, 성백경, 마티아스올리버알트마이어, 김용준
Keyword: lab safety and health, protect measures, regulation, risk assessment, technical guide
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2020, 30(2) Page: 99-108
Abstract | (442.9 KB) |
Review of the Determination Methods for Metal Compounds with Different Occupational Exposure Limits Depending on Solubility
용해도에 따라 노출기준이 다른 금속화합물의 정량방법 고찰
Seung-Hyun Park, Jiwon Ro, Miyeon Jang
박승현, 노지원, 장미연
Keyword: Determination, metal compound, occupational exposure limits, solubility
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2020, 30(2) Page: 87-98
Abstract | (456.2 KB) |
A Study on Exposure of Respiratory Hazard Factors in Food Service Workplace
국내 요식업 작업환경의 호흡기 유해인자 노출 연구
Won-Seok Cha, Eun-Young Kim
차원석, 김은영
Keyword: food service worker, lung cancer, PAHs, respiratory hazard factor
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2020, 30(1) Page: 75-86
Abstract | (595.2 KB) |