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Search Result: 1203
A Study on the Development of Technical Guidelines for Safety and Health in Agricultural Workplaces
농작업현장에 적용 가능한 안전보건 기술지침 항목 선정에 관한 연구
Wongeon Jung, Kyungsu Kim, Mintae Seo, Hyocher Kim
정원건, 김경수, 서민태, 김효철
Keyword: agricultural technical guideline, Delphi technique, KOSHA guideline
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2021, 31(4) Page: 385-395
Abstract | (691.2 KB) |
A Study on Risk of the Incidence of Lung Cancer in a Horse Trainer Using National Health Insurance Service
마필관리사에서 발생한 폐암 위험도 연구: 건강보험공단 빅데이터 12년 추적 연구
Seunghyun Lee, Seunghan Kim, Sehyun Yun, KyooSang Kim, Jin-Ha Yoon
이승현, 김승한, 윤세현, 김규상, 윤진하
Keyword: big data, horse trainers, lung cancer, NHIS, quartz
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2021, 31(4) Page: 378-384
Abstract | (419.7 KB) |
Assessing Hematological Change Associated with Cardiovascular Disease Risk among Korean Taxi Drivers Using Data from the Second (2012–2014) Korean National Environmental Health Survey: A Propensity Score Matching Approach
제2기(2012–2014) 국민환경보건 기초조사 자료를 활용한 국내 남성 택시 기사의 심혈관계 위험도 관련 혈액학적 변화에 대한 연구: 성향점수 매칭을 활용하여
Kiook Baek
Keyword: taxi drivers, professional drivers, inflammation, cardiovascular risk
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2021, 31(4) Page: 367-377
Abstract | (957.0 KB) |
Adjustment of the Appropriate Cost Support Rate for Measuring the Working Environment
작업환경측정 적정 비용지원율 수준으로의 조정 방안
Ji-Yeon Park
Keyword: cost sharing structure, health stepping stone project, simulation, small business, work environment measurement
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2021, 31(4) Page: 353-366
Abstract | (1.4 MB) |
Analysis of Local Exposure Levels of Radiation Emitted from Soft X-ray Ionizers in LCD Manufacturing Processes
LCD 제조공정의 이온화 장치에 대한 전리방사선 지역노출특성 분석
JoonBeom Kim, Eun-Kyo Chung, Kihyo Jung
김준범, 정은교, 정기효
Keyword: LCD manufacturing company, ionizer, radiation, exposure level
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2021, 31(4) Page: 342-352
Abstract | (828.5 KB) |
Relationship and Characteristics of PM10 and Endotoxin Concentrations in Windowless Poultry Houses in South Korea
일부 밀폐형 무창계사에서 발생하는 PM10 및 엔도톡신의 특성 및 연관성 분석
Hyocher Kim, Sojung Sin, Kyungsu Kim, Wongeon Jung
김효철, 신소정, 김경수, 정원건
Keyword: PM10, endotoxin, poultry house, exposure
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2021, 31(4) Page: 331-341
Abstract | (1.6 MB) |
Comparative Study of Korean Workers’ Exposure to Dichloromethane by Process Category between Work Environment Monitoring Program and ECETOC TRA
국내 디클로로메탄 제조⋅사용 사업장 근로자의 공정별 노출수준에 대한 작업환경측정값과 ECETOC TRA 모델값 비교연구
Sujin Jeong, Gyewan Bae, Naroo Lee
정수진, 배계완, 이나루
Keyword: dichloromethane, ECETOC TRA model, work environment monitoring, risk assessment, process category
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2021, 31(4) Page: 317-330
Abstract | (2.7 MB) |
A Comparative Study on the Legal System for Risk Assessment in the Workplace
사업장 위험성평가에 관한 법제의 비교법적 고찰
Jin-Woo Jung
Keyword: comparative terms, risk assessment, violation, worker participation
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2021, 31(4) Page: 304-316
Abstract | (437.7 KB) |
Case study of Hexavalent Chromium and Silica Exposure Assessment and Respiratory Fit-test for Paint Manufacturing Worker
페인트 제조 작업자의 6가 크롬 및 실리카 노출평가와 호흡보호구 밀착도 검사 사례
Hyun Seok Lee, Boowook Kim
이현석, 김부욱
Keyword: crystalline silica, fit test, hexavalent chromium, lung cancer, paint industry
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2021, 31(4) Page: 295-303
Abstract | (870.1 KB) |
Influencing Factors of Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte subsets in Workers with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exposed to Inorganic Dust
만성폐쇄성폐질환을 동반한 무기분진 노출 이직근로자의 혈중 림프구 아형분포에 미치는 영향요인
Jin Ee Baek, Jae Hoon Shin, Joo Hwan Hwang, Youlim Lee, Jong Seong Lee, Byung-Soon Choi
백진이, 신재훈, 황주환, 이유림, 이종성, 최병순
Keyword: COPD, CD4+ T lymphocytes, CD56+CD16+ NK cells, age, smoking
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2021, 31(3) Page: 286-293
Abstract | (437.6 KB) |