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Search Result: 1203
A Comparison of Performance Evaluations of Reusable Masks
다회용 마스크 유형에 따른 성능 비교연구
Hoe-Jin Ryu, Won-Hee Park, Chun-Yeong Lee, Seon-Ok Jeong, Hee-Jin Choi, Jeong-Mi Lee, In-Sook Hwang, Yong-Seung Shin
류회진, 박원희, 이춘영, 정선옥, 최희진, 이정미, 황인숙, 신용승
Keyword: Mask, reusable, filtration efficiency, inhalation resistance, liquid resistance
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2022, 32(1) Page: 53-63
Abstract | (1.1 MB) |
A Study on the Institutional Limitations of Chemical Exposure Control for Cleaning Workers - Focusing on the Exclusion of Preparation and Submission of Material Safety Data Sheets
청소노동자 화학물질 노출 관리의 제도적 한계 고찰 – 물질안전보건자료 작성⋅제출 제외 조항을 중심으로
Saemi Shin, Nosung Ki, Hea Min Lee, Dong Hyeon Kim, Seohyeon Wee, Sang-Hoon Byeon
신새미, 기노성, 이혜민, 김동현, 위서현, 변상훈
Keyword: material safety data sheets, cleaning workers, consumer chemical product, Occupational Safety and Health Act
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2022, 32(1) Page: 41-52
Abstract | (503.3 KB) |
Evaluation of Accident Prevention Financial Support Projects in the Construction Industry Using DID and PSM
DID와 PSM 분석을 통한 건설업 클린사업장 대상 재정지원사업 평가
Seong-Eun Jang, Sung-Yeol Yu, Hwa-Il Kim
장성은, 유성열, 김화일
Keyword: DID, disaster reduction, effectiveness, financial support project
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2022, 32(1) Page: 31-40
Abstract | (558.3 KB) |
A Comparison of Analysis Methods for Work Environment Measurement Databases Including Left-censored Data
불검출 자료를 포함한 작업환경측정 자료의 분석 방법 비교
Ju-Hyun Park, Sangjun Choi, Dong-Hee Koh, Donguk Park, Yeji Sung
박주현, 최상준, 고동희, 박동욱, 성예지
Keyword: Left-censored data, limit of detection, maximum likelihood estimation, β-substitution
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2022, 32(1) Page: 21-30
A Study on the Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields Exposure Characteristics of Workers in LCD Manufacturing Process
LCD 제조공정 종사근로자의 극저주파자기장 노출특성 연구
JoonBeom Kim, Joon Hyuk Kang, Eun-Kyo Chung, Kihyo Jung
김준범, 강준혁, 정은교, 정기효
Keyword: LCD manufacturing company, extremely low frequency magnetic fields, exposure level, work distance
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2022, 32(1) Page: 10-20
Abstract | (976.5 KB) |
Evaluation of Lead Exposure Characteristics Using Domestic Occupational Exposure Literature Data
납에 대한 국내 직업적 노출 문헌 자료 고찰을 통한 노출 특성 평가
Sangjun Choi, Sung Chul Seo, Ju-Hyun Park, Dong-Hee Koh, Hwan-Cheol Kim, Donguk Park, Hee Eun Choi, Yeji Sung, Se-Eun Oh, Kyoung Yoon Ko
최상준, 서성철, 박주현, 고동희, 김환철, 박동욱, 최희은, 성예지, 오세은, 고경윤
Keyword: Job-exposure matrix, lead, systematic review
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2022, 32(1) Page: 1-9
Status and Perspectives of Preplacement Health Examination (PHE) at Certain Workplaces
일부 사업장에서 나타난 배치전건강진단 제도 현황과 향후과제
Hyesook Park, Seong-Kyu Kang, Wanhyung Lee, Won-Jun Choi, Seunghon Ham
박혜숙, 강성규, 이완형, 최원준, 함승헌
Keyword: preplacement health examination, fit to work, work suitability, occupational health service, night shift work, follow-up
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2021, 31(4) Page: 540-548
Abstract | (379.6 KB) |
The Effect of Infection Anxiety about COVID-19 Perceived by Home Appliance Installation and Repair Technicians on Work Stress
가전제품 설치수리기사가 인지하는 코로나19에 대한 감염 불안이 업무스트레스에 미치는 영향
Eun-Jung Kwon, Jee-Hyun Hwang, Hee-Gerl Kim
권은중, 황지현, 김희걸
Keyword: COVID-19, home appliance installation and repair technician, infection anxiety, work stress
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2021, 31(4) Page: 531-539
Abstract | (426.3 KB) |
An Analysis of Three-Dimensional Head Anthropometric Data to Select Respirators for Korean Users
호흡보호구 선정을 위한 3차원 머리 인체측정학적 데이터의 분석
Jung-Keun Park, Se-Dong Kim, Hyoun-Min Cho
박정근, 김세동, 조현민
Keyword: 3D anthropometric data, head dimensions, respirators, respirator selection, Size Korea
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2021, 31(4) Page: 521-530
Abstract | (437.9 KB) |
Cancers Attributable to Occupational Exposures in Korea
직업성 발암물질에 의한 국내 악성종양의 규모
Won Jin Lee, Chungsik Yoon, Hye Jin Lee, Jee Yeon Jeong, Kyong-Hui Lee, Wongeon Jung, Mijin Park
이원진, 윤충식, 이혜진, 정지연, 이경희, 정원건, 박미진
Keyword: Burden, neoplasm, occupation, population attributable fraction, workers
J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg, 2021, 31(4) Page: 510-520
Abstract | (396.0 KB) |